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plot matplotlib 如何在 x 轴和 y 轴上颤动箭头? - Python

[英]How to plot matplotlib quiver arrows over x-axis and y-axis? - Python

Currently my plot made with matplotlib looks like figure 1, as you can see on the x-axis, the half of my arrow is being covered by the axis.目前我用 matplotlib 制成的 plot 看起来像图 1,正如您在 x 轴上看到的那样,我的箭头的一半被轴覆盖。

I would like it so the entire arrow is shown as in Figure 2.我想要它,所以整个箭头如图 2 所示。

Here is the relevant part of my code, X_fine and Y_fine have same range as X and Y but with more bins.这是我的代码的相关部分,X_fine 和 Y_fine 与 X 和 Y 具有相同的范围,但具有更多的 bin。

X, Y = np.meshgrid(arrow_csf_centre, arrow_precip_centre)
X_fine, Y_fine = np.meshgrid(arrow_csf_centre_fine, arrow_precip_centre_fine)

plt.contourf(X_fine, Y_fine, np.transpose(counts2_fine), 30)

Thanks for reading!谢谢阅读!

Figure1 - my plot图 1 - 我的 plot 图 1 - 我的情节

Figure2 - goal plot图2-目标plot 在此处输入图像描述

You can add: clip_on=False in plt.quiver您可以在plt.quiver中添加: clip_on=False

This should do it.这应该这样做。

Related: How do I let my matplotlib plot go beyond the axes?相关: 如何让我的 matplotlib plot go 超出轴?

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