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C++ - 为什么从成员 function 返回对 class 的引用

[英]C++ - why return a reference to the class from a member function

In the class below.在class下面。 I am struggling to understand why you would return a reference to the class from a member function.我很难理解为什么你会从成员 function 返回对 class 的引用。

For example setInterval() initializes the member variable 'interval.例如 setInterval() 初始化成员变量 'interval. Could anybody explain the advantage of returning a reference of the class type?任何人都可以解释返回 class 类型的引用的优势吗?

Is it a reference to *this?它是对 *this 的引用吗?

template <class Tx, class Ty = Tx>
class FitFunction {
    std::pair<Tx, Tx> interval;
    uint8_t var = 0;

    FitFunction& setInterval(Tx minX, Tx maxX);


That's not a reference to the class, it's a reference to an instance of the class.这不是对 class 的引用,而是对 class实例的引用。

This is typical in functions you want to be chainable, as in:这在您希望可链接的函数中很典型,例如:

FitFunction ff;


Where the idea is that function does a return *this at the end, so yes, effectively a reference to that.想法是 function 最后return *this ,所以是的,实际上是对它的引用。

You'll see this approach used a lot more in things like operator<< for streams which is chained by design.您会看到这种方法更多地用于诸如operator<<之类的设计中链接的流。

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