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[英]how to convert column values to str when reading multi-sheet xlsx using pd.read_excel?

I have a muti-sheet xlsx file which I want to process selected pages and finally save them as CSV .我有一个多页xlsx文件,我想处理选定的页面,最后将它们保存为CSV

This is a snapshot of a few raws from one page:这是来自一页的一些原始数据的快照:


I use this code to load all pages and process each one-by-one:我使用此代码加载所有页面并逐个处理每个页面:

def load_raw_excel_file(file_full_name):

    df = pd.read_excel(file_full_name, sheet_name=None, engine="openpyxl", header=0)
    sheets_name = list(df.keys())

    return df, sheets_name

The output of the code (from the same page) looks like this:代码(来自同一页面)的 output 如下所示:

dfs, shs =  load_raw_excel_file("myexelfile.xlsx")


As you can see, some values from the Contract column have changed to date, but I don't want any changes.如您所见, Contract列中的一些值已经更改,但我不想要任何更改。 I've tried using convertors and dtype in pd.read_excel , but it didn't work:我尝试在pd.read_excel中使用convertorsdtype ,但它没有用:

df = pd.read_excel(file_full_name, sheet_name=None, engine="openpyxl", header=0, dtype=str)


df = pd.read_excel("myexelfile.xlsx", sheet_name='selectedsheetname', header=0, converters={'Contract':str})

any idea?任何想法?


I found a workaround but not a good solution:我找到了一种解决方法,但不是一个好的解决方案:

def convert_str_date(x):
        y = x.strftime("%b-%y")
        return y
        return x

df.Contract.apply(lambda x : convert_str_date(x))

Also, see @Simon answer另外,请参阅@Simon 回答

the excel set those values to datetime format. excel 将这些值设置为日期时间格式。 maybe you can postprocess with the dataframe,也许您可以使用 dataframe 进行后处理,

nKCol = df['Contract']                                            
oKCol = df['Contract'].copy()

# update cell to %b-%y string format; Nan if error                            
nKCol = pd.to_datetime(nKCol, errors='coerce').dt.strftime('%b-%y')

# update the column
df['Contract'] = nKCol   
# fill Nan with original column                                       
df['Contract'] = df['Contract'].fillna(oKCol) 

Try changing dtype='str' to dtype={'Contract': str} to force Contract as str (no quotes around str ):尝试将dtype='str'更改为dtype={'Contract': str}以强制Contract as strstr周围没有引号):

df = pd.read_excel(file_full_name, sheet_name=None, engine="openpyxl", header=0,
    dtype={'Contract': str})


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