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I using NextJS(^10.0.7) and recently, I started to get this error on Chrome:我使用 NextJS(^10.0.7),最近,我开始在 Chrome 上收到此错误:

GET http://localhost:3000/_next/static/chunks/main.js?ts=1617125242030 net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING 200 (OK)

I tried without success:我试过没有成功:

yarn cache clean
rm -rf node_modules
yarn install

I saw other similar posts here on StackOverflow but the solutions didn't work for me.我在 StackOverflow 上看到了其他类似的帖子,但这些解决方案对我不起作用。

For some reason that I do not know, I was getting this error because of my internet connection.出于某种我不知道的原因,由于我的互联网连接,我收到了这个错误。 Looks like chunk loadings don't work good with slow connections.看起来块加载不适用于慢速连接。


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