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Deck.GL 与 CARTO 和 React

[英]Deck.GL with CARTO and React

I'm trying to use a CARTO basemap ( @deck.gl/carto ) with Deck.GL ( @deck.gl/react ) in a React application.我正在尝试在 React 应用程序中使用 CARTO 底图( @deck.gl/carto )和 Deck.GL( @deck.gl/react )。 To render a map layer, the docs utilize Mapbox's <StaticMap/> component from react-map-gl .为了渲染 map 层,文档使用了来自react-map-gl的 Mapbox 的<StaticMap/>组件。

However, when I pass CARTO's free basemap BASEMAP.VOYAGER as a property to the <StaticMap component, it refuses to show the map because I don't have a Mapbox access token.但是,当我将 CARTO 的免费底图BASEMAP.VOYAGER作为属性传递给<StaticMap组件时,它拒绝显示 map,因为我没有 Mapbox 访问令牌。

So, I registered and got a Mapbox token and it works just fine, like below:所以,我注册并获得了一个 Mapbox 令牌,它工作得很好,如下所示:

          position: "relative",
          width: "100%",
          height: "600px",
        onClick={(evt) => console.log(JSON.stringify(evt.coordinate))}
        getTooltip={({ object }) =>
          object &&
          object.coordinates && {
            text: `Longitude: ${object.coordinates[0]}\nLatitude: ${object.coordinates[1]}\nCost: ${object.cost}`,

But I want to use a CARTO basemap WITHOUT using Mapbox.但我想在不使用 Mapbox 的情况下使用 CARTO 底图。 Is that at all possible?这有可能吗? It seems that the only way I can get a CARTO basemap is by building a map via their Map Builder tool on their website, publish it, and then use the link generated from that to then use it.似乎我可以获得 CARTO 底图的唯一方法是通过他们网站上的 Map Builder 工具构建 map,发布它,然后使用从中生成的链接然后使用它。 But I can't create a basemap until I link datasets to the map (ie.csv, URL, database, arcGIS, etc.).但是在将数据集链接到 map(即 csv、URL、数据库、arcGIS 等)之前,我无法创建底图。 Right now, I don't have any of that.现在,我没有这些。

So I'm confused as to how to actually access and use a CARTO basemap without using Mapbox.所以我对如何在不使用 Mapbox 的情况下实际访问和使用 CARTO 底图感到困惑。 Any tips or advice is much appreciated!非常感谢任何提示或建议!

A workaround would be installing 5.3.11 version, so you app won't require a Mapbox token, that's due to internal use of Mapbox v2.0解决方法是安装5.3.11版本,因此您的应用不需要 Mapbox 令牌,这是由于内部使用 Mapbox v2.0

yarn add react-map-gl@5.3.11

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