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关于多参数 function 的最终结果的映射

[英]About mapping on the eventual result of a multi-argument function

I known that r -> a is a Functor in a , and that fmap = (.) for it.我知道r -> a是 a 中a仿函数,并且Functor fmap = (.)是它。

This means that when I do fmap fg , with g:: r -> a , f is applied to the result of g as soon as the latter is fed with a value of type r .这意味着当我使用g:: r -> a执行fmap fg时,只要将 g 的值输入r类型的值,就会将f应用于g的结果。 However, if a is a function type, eg a unary function b -> c , then there's a difference between applying f to that function (which is what happens in reality) and applying f to the eventual result of g (which could be desirable in some cases; couldn't it?). However, if a is a function type, eg a unary function b -> c , then there's a difference between applying f to that function (which is what happens in reality) and applying f to the eventual result of g (which could be desirable在某些情况下;不是吗?)。

How do I map on the eventual result of g ?我如何 map 对g的最终结果? In this case of g:: r -> b -> c it seems easy, I can just uncurry $ fmap f $ curry g .在这种情况下g:: r -> b -> c看起来很容易,我可以uncurry $ fmap f $ curry g But what if also c is a function type?但是,如果c也是 function 类型怎么办?

Or, in other words, how do I map on the final result of multi-variable function?或者,换句话说,我如何 map 对多变量 function 的最终结果? Is the curry / uncurry trick necessary/doable in general?一般来说, curry / uncurry技巧是必要的/可行的吗?

(Related question here .) (相关问题在这里。)

As it's apparent from comments/answers, I have not realized I was essentially asking the same question I've already asked some days ago.从评论/答案中可以明显看出,我没有意识到我本质上是在问我几天前已经问过的同一个问题。 Probably it was not apparent to me because of how I got here.由于我是如何到达这里的,这对我来说可能并不明显。 Essentially, what led me to ask this question is another one storming in my head:从本质上讲,导致我提出这个问题的是另一个在我脑海中闪过的问题:

If I can use liftA2 (&&) , liftA2 (||) , and similar to combine unary predicates, how do I combine binary predicates?如果我可以使用liftA2 (&&)liftA2 (||)和类似的组合一元谓词,我如何组合二元谓词? To answer to this, I played around a bit in GHCi, and came up with this为了回答这个问题,我在 GHCi 中玩了一下,然后想出了这个

liftIntoBinaryFunc p = \q r -> curry $ (liftA2 p) (uncurry q) (uncurry r)

which would allow doing something like this:这将允许做这样的事情:

-- some binary predicate
distanceLE3 x y = 3 >= abs (x - y)
sameSign x y = ((==) `on` signum) x y

-- function to lift into binary functions
liftIntoBinaryFunc p = \q r -> curry $ (liftA2 p) (uncurry q) (uncurry r)

-- lifting && into binary functions to Bool
and' = liftIntoBinaryFunc (&&)

-- combining 
pred = distance3 `and'` sameSign

-- using
p 3 18   -- False
p 3 1    -- True
p 3 (-1) -- False

However, this question too generalizes to how do I combine predicates of arbitrary (though common) arity?但是,这个问题太笼统地概括为如何组合任意(尽管常见)的谓词? , and probably the answer is the same. ,而且可能答案是一样的。

If you'd like to accept n arguments and then apply f , you may call fmap n times.如果您想接受n arguments 然后应用f ,您可以调用fmap n次。 So, if g:: r -> b -> c , then所以,如果g:: r -> b -> c ,那么

(fmap . fmap) f g

will apply f to the value of type c that results from applying g to two arguments, while if h:: a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g , thenf应用于c类型的值,该值将g应用于两个 arguments,而如果h:: a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g

   a      b      c      d      e      f
(fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap) f h

will apply f to the value of type g that results from applying h to 6 arguments.f应用于将h应用于 6 arguments 所产生的类型g的值。

r -> b -> c is r -> (b -> c) and so (fmap. fmap) (f:: c -> d) (g:: r -> b -> c):: r -> b -> d : r -> b -> c is r -> (b -> c) and so (fmap. fmap) (f:: c -> d) (g:: r -> b -> c):: r -> b -> d

> foo :: (c -> d) -> (r -> (b -> c)) -> r -> (b -> d) ;
  foo = fmap . fmap

foo :: (c -> d) -> (r -> b -> c) -> r -> b -> d

> bar :: (c -> d) -> (r -> (b -> (t -> c))) -> r -> (b -> (t -> d)) ;
  bar = fmap . fmap . fmap

bar :: (c -> d) -> (r -> b -> t -> c) -> r -> b -> t -> d

But you will have to know how many nested levels are there, to compose the fmaps accordingly, or use approaches from your other recent question .但是您必须知道有多少嵌套级别,才能相应地组合fmaps ,或者使用您最近的其他问题中的方法。

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