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您如何计算 R 中组的时间差平均值?

[英]How do you calculate means for time differences for groups in R?

I am trying to calculate the mean time for national sailing teams in a competition.我正在尝试计算国家帆船队在比赛中的平均时间。

I want to group the teams together by country to calculate the mean sailing time for USA and Japan.我想按国家/地区将团队分组,以计算美国和日本的平均航行时间。

Here's my code, which uses the dplyr function's group_by.这是我的代码,它使用了 dplyr 函数的 group_by。

Here's the data这是数据

   test <- data.frame("RACER" = c("USA",
                        "TRIAL1" = c("2021-01-01",
                       "TRIAL2" = c("2021-02-01",
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    test$TRIAL1 <- as.Date(test$TRIAL1)
    test$TRIAL2 <- as.Date(test$TRIAL2)
    test$delay <- difftime(test$TRIAL2, test$TRIAL1) 
    test$delay <- as.double(test$delay)


Here's my code:这是我的代码:

t <- test %>% group_by(RACER) %>% 
  summarize(mn = mean(test$delay, na.rm=T))

I get a mean of 35.7 days for both Japan and the US, which is wrong.日本和美国的平均时间都是 35.7 天,这是错误的。

Any suggestions?有什么建议么?

I hope this is what you are looking for:我希望这是您正在寻找的:

test %>%
  group_by(RACER) %>%
  summarise(mn = mean(delay, na.rm = TRUE))

# A tibble: 2 x 2
  RACER    mn
  <chr> <dbl>
1 JAPAN    38
2 USA      31

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