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如何摆脱这个 ffmpeg?

[英]How to get rid of this ffmpeg?

I am currently working on a bot.我目前正在开发一个机器人。 Its function is to join voice channels and speak with tts .它的 function 是加入语音频道并与tts通话。

This is my attempt so far:这是我迄今为止的尝试:

try {
    const broadcast = client.voice.createBroadcast();
    var channelId = message.member.voice.channelID;
    var channel = client.channels.cache.get(channelId);
    channel.join().then(connection => {
        broadcast.play(discordTTS.getVoiceStream("Staline est né le : 18 Décembre 1878."));
        const dispatcher = connection.play(broadcast);
catch (e) {

This is the error I'm getting:这是我得到的错误:

events.js: 292
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

    Error: spawn ffmpeg ENOENT
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit(internal / child_process.js: 269: 19)
at onErrorNT(internal / child_process.js: 465: 16)
at processTicksAndRejections(internal / process / task_queues.js: 80: 21)
Emitted 'error' event on ChildProcess instance at:
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit(internal / child_process.js: 275: 12)
at onErrorNT(internal / child_process.js: 465: 16)
at processTicksAndRejections(internal / process / task_queues.js: 80: 21) {
    errno: -4058,
        code: 'ENOENT',
            syscall: 'spawn ffmpeg',
                path: 'ffmpeg',
                    spawnargs: [
                        '-i', '-',
                        '-analyzeduration', '0',
                        '-loglevel', '0',
                        '-f', 's16le',
                        '-ar', '48000',
                        '-ac', '2',

I really don't understand, I never asked for ffmpeg to be here我真的不明白,我从来没有要求ffmpeg在这里

As far as I know /tts is inner Discord's function (not discord.js).据我所知 /tts 是内部 Discord 的 function(不是 discord.js)。 Bot can't join and speak by tts. Bot 无法加入并通过 tts 发言。 You can make something like this:你可以做这样的事情:

client.on('message', message => {
    message.channel.send(args, {
        tts: true

Without joining voice channel!无需加入语音频道!


I didn't mention that you are using "discord-tts".我没有提到您正在使用“discord-tts”。 First of all you have to install all needed dependencies: @discordjs/opus and ffmpeg-static首先,您必须安装所有需要的依赖项: @discordjs/opusffmpeg-static

Then try your code or this:然后试试你的代码或这个:

if (msg.content==="say test 123") {
    const broadcast = bot.voice.createBroadcast();

    if (msg.member.voice.channel) {
        const connection = await msg.member.voice.channel.join();

        broadcast.play(discordTTS.getVoiceStream("test 123"));

        const dispatcher = connection.play(broadcast);

    } else {
        await msg.reply('You need to join a voice channel first!');

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