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cmake 从 object 库构建共享库导致未定义符号

[英]cmake building shared lib from object library results in undefined symbol

I'm building a shared library using cmake.我正在使用 cmake 构建一个共享库。 Here are the steps that I take, starting with building a shared library A_shared using an object library A_obj .以下是我采取的步骤,首先使用 object 库A_obj A_shared

add_library(A_obj OBJECT ${A_SRCS})
add_library(A_shared SHARED)
target_link_libraries(A_shared PUBLIC A_obj)

This process works.这个过程有效。 Now I wish to build another shared library that uses A_shared and its own sources.现在我希望构建另一个使用A_shared和它自己的源的共享库。 So I have:所以我有:

add_library(B_obj OBJECT ${B_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(B_obj PUBLIC A_shared)
add_library(B_shared SHARED)
target_link_libraries(B_shared PUBLIC B_obj)

It seems to me that this should be valid, because I'm building objects B_obj which have dependence on a shared libraries A_shared , and then using these objects to construct shared library B_shared and at the same time transitively passing the dependence on A_shared using the call to target_link_libraries .在我看来,这应该是有效的,因为我正在构建依赖于共享库A_shared的对象B_obj ,然后使用这些对象构造共享库B_shared ,同时使用调用传递对A_shared的依赖到target_link_libraries

However, this results in undefined symbols when building in MSVC.但是,这会导致在 MSVC 中构建时出现未定义的符号。 When linking B_shared.dll , I get unresolved external dependencies on global variables that were defined in ${A_SRCS} and used in ${B_srcs} , and not anything else (like functions).链接B_shared.dll时,我得到了对在 ${A_SRCS} 中定义并在${B_srcs} ${A_SRCS}中使用的全局变量的未解决的外部依赖关系,而不是其他任何东西(如函数)。 Strangely, the object files B_obj compile fine.奇怪的是,object 文件B_obj编译得很好。

  • If I instead link B_shared to A_obj , it works fine.如果我改为将B_shared链接到A_obj ,它工作正常。 But this gives me the impression that B_shared will actually contain the object files from A_obj , but all I want it only to link to A_shared .但这给我的印象是B_shared实际上将包含来自A_obj的 object 文件,但我只希望它链接到A_shared
  • If I link B_obj to A_obj , nothing changes and I still get unresolved dependencies.如果我将B_obj链接到A_obj ,没有任何变化,我仍然得到未解决的依赖关系。

With gcc, B_shared is successfully linked.与gcc, B_shared链接成功。

Therefore, my question is: am I doing the correct thing in cmake to achieve what I want?因此,我的问题是:我在 cmake 中做正确的事情来实现我想要的吗? I'm wondering what I'm misunderstanding, because I've researched this extensively and I can't find the fault in my process, so I would greatly appreciate any clarification.我想知道我在误解什么,因为我已经对此进行了广泛的研究,但我找不到我的过程中的错误,所以我非常感谢任何澄清。

This comes from the behaviour of shared libraries on Windows in general: See this question .这通常来自 Windows 上共享库的行为:请参阅此问题 I have to manually export the symbols.我必须手动导出符号。 The interaction with the object library wasn't creating issues.与 object 库的交互没有产生问题。

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