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从 CMake 中的 lib 目录加载共享库?

[英]Load shared libraries from lib directory in CMake?

I have downloaded a ROS2 demo from the examples repository .我已经从示例存储库下载了一个 ROS2 演示。

Specifically, I have used minimal_subscriber and minimal_publisher .具体来说,我使用了minimum_subscriberminimum_publisher

I have ROS2 installed in /opt/ros2 and when I build these two examples with colcon build , it generates an install/ directory with lib/ , shared/ and the other usual directory structure.我将 ROS2 安装在/opt/ros2 ,当我使用colcon build构建这两个示例时,它会生成一个install/目录,其中包含lib/shared/和其他常用目录结构。

I can execute and run these demos perfectly fine with my current setup in my machine, but these executables link to libraries present in /opt/ros2 , so when I want to execute them in another machine without ROS2 installed or I move my ROS2 installation in my machine, the executables cannot find the shared objects.我可以在我的机器上用我当前的设置完美地执行和运行这些演示,但是这些可执行文件链接到/opt/ros2存在的库,所以当我想在没有安装 ROS2 的另一台机器上执行它们时,或者我将我的 ROS2 安装移动到我的机器,可执行文件找不到共享对象。

I've added a really simple script that adds all dependencies to install/lib when building but the executables don't seem to care, they aren't looking for shared libraries in the generated lib directory, they keep trying to search in /opt/ros2 .我添加了一个非常简单的脚本,在构建时将所有依赖项添加到install/lib但可执行文件似乎并不关心,他们没有在生成的lib目录中寻找共享库,他们一直试图在/opt/ros2搜索/opt/ros2

I believe this is something I should solve in CMake and it's not ROS2 specific, so, is there any way I can tell my generated executables to search in a diferent directory?我相信这是我应该在 CMake 中解决的问题,它不是特定于 ROS2 的,所以,有什么方法可以告诉我生成的可执行文件在不同的目录中搜索吗? ( ../lib or ./lib in my case) ../lib./lib在我的情况下)

If you are building them yourself (assumed since you mention CMake), you can set the RPATH in CMake ( docs here ).如果你自己构建它们(假设你提到了 CMake),你可以在 CMake 中设置 RPATH( 这里的文档)。 Specifically set the CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH something like:具体设置CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH类似:


If you can't rebuild them, you can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your environment to where the libraries are located, or you can patch the executables themselves with an updated RPATH by using patchelf .如果您无法重建它们,您可以在您的环境中将LD_LIBRARY_PATH设置为库所在的位置,或者您可以使用patchelf使用更新的 RPATH 修补可执行文件本身。

In order to get a relative RPATH rather than an absolute RPATH, use the $ORIGIN variable in your rpath spec.为了获得相对 RPATH 而不是绝对 RPATH,请在 rpath 规范中使用$ORIGIN变量。 See " Recommendations " the the link above for more details.有关更多详细信息,请参阅上面链接中的“ 建议”。

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