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mongodb C#驱动序列化model上的动态场

[英]mongodb C# driver serialize dynamic field on model

A concrete model class exists with a single dynamic field.存在具有单个动态场的具体 model class。 This field could contain hundreds of COMPLEX data structures, and we won't be able to know what they are always.该字段可能包含数百个 COMPLEX 数据结构,我们无法始终知道它们是什么。

public class Message {
    public dynamic MessageData { get; set; }

We can save this json from postman:我们可以从 postman 中保存这个 json:

    "messageData": {
        "sdfghdfghjdfghdfg": {
            "sdfgsdfsdfghs": [
                    "dfgfghkfghjfg": "4567456734573",
                    "dfjghjjkdehn": "fgjfghdfgjfhnfgh"
            "hfgjkfguksdfgnuy": {}

Our mongo find method shows this result:我们的 mongo find 方法显示了这个结果:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("607605a7d42ba9fa20579745"),
 "MessageData" : { "_t" : "Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray, Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JObject", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JProperty", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JObject", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JProperty", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JArray", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JObject", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JProperty", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JValue", "_v" : [ ] } ] }, { "_t" : "JProperty", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JValue", "_v" : [ ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "_t" : "JProperty", "_v" : [ { "_t" : "JObject", "_v" : [ ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }

When fetching the data we get this error:获取数据时,我们收到此错误:

System.FormatException: An error occurred while deserializing the MessageData property of class EMRPatientDB.Models.Message: Invalid element: '_t'.

The problem seems to be the MongoDB C# driver isn't serializing the JSON correctly?问题似乎是 MongoDB C# 驱动程序没有正确序列化 JSON?

Perhaps we want to write a custom serializer?也许我们想编写一个自定义序列化程序? But I haven't found a good example of how that is done for a JSON object.但我还没有找到一个很好的例子来说明如何为 JSON object 做到这一点。

I ran into this issue when I had a C# class with a property of type JObject .当我有一个具有 JObject 类型的属性的 C# JObject时遇到了这个问题。

My Solution was to create JObjectSerializer for MondoDB and add the attribute to the property so Mongo serializer uses it.我的解决方案是为 MondoDB 创建JObjectSerializer并将属性添加到属性中,以便 Mongo 序列化程序使用它。 I assume if I tried hard enough I could register the below serializer in Mongo as the global one for this type as well.我假设如果我足够努力,我也可以在 Mongo 中将以下序列化程序注册为这种类型的全局序列化程序。

Register serializer for property processing:注册序列化器进行属性处理:

public JObject AdditionalData { get; set; }

The serializer itself:序列化程序本身:

public class JObjectSerializer : SerializerBase<JObject> // IBsonSerializer<JObject>
    public override JObject Deserialize(BsonDeserializationContext context, BsonDeserializationArgs args)
        var myBSONDoc = BsonDocumentSerializer.Instance.Deserialize(context);
        return JObject.Parse(myBSONDoc.ToString());

    public override void Serialize(BsonSerializationContext context, BsonSerializationArgs args, JObject value)
        var myBSONDoc = MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument.Parse(value.ToString());
        BsonDocumentSerializer.Instance.Serialize(context, myBSONDoc);

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