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将嵌套的 JSON 转换为嵌套的 HashMap

[英]Convert nested JSON to nested HashMap

How can we convert the nested json to nested hashmap without creating the pojo classes.我们如何在不创建 pojo 类的情况下将嵌套的 json 转换为嵌套的 hashmap。

  "IdeskFields": [
      "fieldName": "CLIENT_TAX_TYPE_ID",
      "values": [
          "key": "dataType",
          "value": "Integer"
          "key": "CLIENT_TAX_TYPE_VAT",
          "value": "2"
          "key": "CLIENT_TAX_TYPE_GST",
          "value": "8"
          "key": "CLIENT_TAX_TYPE_Tax",
          "value": "9"

Need to be converted to Map<String, Map<String, String>> map需要转换为 Map<String, Map<String, String>> map

You can use ObjectMapper from jackson .您可以使用jackson中的ObjectMapper

Map map = new ObjectMapper().readValue(jsonString, HashMap.class);

A map will be an instance of map 将是

HashMap<String, ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String, String>>>>>

If you can use the Gson library then you can do something like this如果您可以使用Gson库,那么您可以执行以下操作

Gson gson = new Gson();

Map map = gson.fromJson(str, Map.class);

But that would leave to the library to determine the type of values.但这将留给图书馆来确定值的类型。

Therefore better way to use Gson#fromJson(String, Type) something like below:因此使用Gson#fromJson(String, Type)的更好方法如下:

Type mapType = new TypeToken<Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>>>() {}.getType();

Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>> map = gson.fromJson(str, mapType);

I use Object as inner map value type because your values are different ie string and list of another map.我使用 Object 作为内部 map 值类型,因为您的值不同,即字符串和另一个 map 的列表。

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