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如何检测在某些 android 设备中无法更改活动轮换?

[英]How to detect that changing activity rotation is not possilbe in some android devices?

I am working on an android app that is used on both Android mobile and Android TV devices.我正在开发一个 android 应用程序,该应用程序用于 Android 移动设备和 Android 电视设备。 I have a portrait activity.我有一个肖像活动。 It works well on normal mobile but on Android Tv devices, it shows a rotated portrait screen in landscape mode.它在普通手机上运行良好,但在 Android 电视设备上,它在横向模式下显示旋转的纵向屏幕。 So, is there any way to force the activity to be in portrait mode?那么,有没有办法强制活动处于纵向模式? If it's not possible, how can I detect that the device does not support different orientations?如果不可能,我如何检测到设备不支持不同的方向?

P/s: I did add this android:screenOrientation="portrait" to the AndroidManifest file. P/s:我确实将这个android:screenOrientation="portrait"添加到 AndroidManifest 文件中。


You have to add below line each activity tag of yours in your Android manifest file您必须在 Android 清单文件中添加您的每个活动标签


You should not run an activity in portrait mode on the TV.您不应在电视上以纵向模式运行活动。 That goes against the TV-LO quality requirement and your app submission will be rejected if you submit to Google Play like that.这违反了TV-LO 质量要求,如果您像这样提交到 Google Play,您的应用提交将被拒绝。 On top of that, overscan will cut off part of your layout on some displays, so the user experience will not be good.最重要的是,过度扫描会在某些显示器上切断部分布局,因此用户体验不会很好。

I'd recommend creating a landscape layout or optimizing your portrait layout to work in landscape mode.我建议创建横向布局或优化纵向布局以在横向模式下工作。 Even without TV, you're going to run into user experience issues forcing an orientation (eg, on a tablet that's in landscape mode because a keyboard is connected).即使没有电视,您也会遇到强制方向的用户体验问题(例如,在平板电脑上因为连接了键盘而处于横向模式)。

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