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如何使用 Powershell 从多行中选择字符串

[英]How to Select-String from Multiple Lines with Powershell

I have this file below test.dat我在 test.dat 下面有这个文件




        <description>MLB 2002 (USA)</description>

        <category>Bonus Discs</category>








How do I use Get-Content and Select-String to output the following to terminal from the input of the file above.如何使用Get-ContentSelect-String到 output 从上面的文件输入到终端。 Using the above input I need to receive this output.使用上面的输入我需要接收这个 output。


This is the command I'm currently using but it isn't working.这是我目前正在使用的命令,但它不起作用。 Get-Content '.\test.dat' | Select-String -pattern '(^\s+<category>Games<\/category>\n^\s+<\/game>$)'

First thing is you need to read it all in as one string to match across lines.首先,您需要将其全部作为一个字符串读取以跨行匹配。

Get-Content '.\test.dat' -Raw

Since it seems you want to exclude the entry with you can use this pattern that grabs only those that don't have white space after and before由于您似乎想排除条目,因此您可以使用此模式仅抓取那些前后没有空格的条目


Select string returns a matchinfo object and you need to extract the Value property of the Matches property. Select 字符串返回匹配信息 object 并且您需要提取Matches属性的Value属性。 You can do that a few different ways.你可以通过几种不同的方式做到这一点。

Get-Content '.\test.dat' -Raw |
    Select-String '(?s)\s+<category>Games\S+\r?\n</game>' -AllMatches |
        ForEach-Object Matches | ForEach-Object Value


$output = Get-Content '.\test.dat' -Raw |
    Select-String '(?s)\s+<category>Games\S+\r?\n</game>' -AllMatches



(Get-Content '.\test.dat' -Raw |
    Select-String '(?s)\s+<category>Games\S+\r?\n</game>' -AllMatches).Matches.Value

Output Output



You could also use [regex] type accelerator.您也可以使用[regex]类型的加速器。

$str = Get-Content '.\test.dat' -Raw



Based on your additional info, the way I understand it is you want to remove any game categories that are empty.根据您的附加信息,我理解的方式是您要删除任何空的游戏类别。 We can simplify this greatly by using a here string.我们可以通过使用 here 字符串大大简化这一点。

$pattern = @'


The additional blank line is intentional to capture the final newline character.额外的空白行是为了捕获最后的换行符。 You could also write it like this你也可以这样写

$pattern = @'

Now if we do a replace on the pattern, you'll see what I believe is what you expect for your final result.现在,如果我们对模式进行替换,您将看到我认为您对最终结果的期望。

(Get-Content $inputfile -Raw) -replace $pattern

And to finish it off you can just put the above command inside a Set-Content command.要完成它,您只需将上述命令放在Set-Content命令中即可。 Since the Get-Content command is enclosed in parenthesis, it is completely read into memory before the file is written to.由于Get-Content命令包含在括号中,因此在写入文件之前将其完全读入 memory。

Set-Content -Path $inputfile -Value ((Get-Content $inputfile -Raw) -replace $pattern)

EDIT 2编辑 2

Well it seems to work in ISE but not in powershell console.好吧,它似乎在 ISE 中有效,但在 powershell 控制台中无效。 In case you encounter the same thing, try this.如果你遇到同样的事情,试试这个。

$pattern = '(?s)\s+<category>Games</category>\r?\n\s+</game>'

Set-Content -Path $inputfile -Value ((Get-Content $inputfile -Raw) -replace $pattern)

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