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使用 $getJSON 过滤 JSON 数据

[英]Filter JSON data using $getJSON

I have the following code, which is loading in the full JSON file.我有以下代码,它正在加载完整的 JSON 文件。

$.getJSON("data/Data1.json", function (data) {

What I am trying to do is filter the JSON file, but am struggling to get only the filtered value from the JSON data record.我想要做的是过滤 JSON 文件,但我正在努力只从 JSON 数据记录中获取过滤后的值。

What I am trying to get is the record which has 'Status: Watch'.我想要获得的是具有“状态:观看”的记录。

Here is my code below:下面是我的代码:

$.getJSON("data/Data1.json", function (data) {
  currentStatus = data.features.filter(function(feature) {
    return feature.status === 'Watch';


Trimmed down JSON data file:删减 JSON 数据文件:

            "type": "Feature",
            "id": 0,
            "status": "watch",
            "properties": {
                "NAME": "Watch Test"              

            "type": "Feature",
            "id": 1,
            "status": "act",
            "properties": {
                "NAME": "Act Test"        

Thank you谢谢

filter will remove item(s) based on your criteria from the features array. filter将根据您的条件从 features 数组中删除项目。

I believe you would like to use find in order to find item in your array of features:我相信您想使用find来查找您的一系列功能中的项目:

currentStatus = data.features.find(function(feature) {
  return feature.status.toLowerCase() === 'watch';

Please keep in mind, that find method returns the value of the first element in the provided array.请记住, find方法返回所提供数组中第一个元素的值

Pro tip: convert your status property with toLowerCase() method to make sure that you are comparing case agnostic strings.专业提示:使用toLowerCase()方法转换您的status属性,以确保您正在比较不区分大小写的字符串。

You could always use filter like this:你总是可以像这样使用过滤器:

$.getJSON("data/Data1.json", function (data) {
  ///set your variable - you did this part right:
  var items = data;
  // now apply your filter:
items = data.filter(function(obj) {
  // return the filtered value
  return obj.status ==="watch";

// verify in your console:

// continue with your project ;)

This should work for your filtering.这应该适用于您的过滤。

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