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psycopg2 - UndefinedColumn:关系的列“日期时间”“<table_name> “ 不存在</table_name>

[英]psycopg2 - UndefinedColumn: column "datetime" of relation "<table_name>" does not exist

I'm getting this error message我收到此错误消息

UndefinedColumn: column "datetime" of relation "daily_price" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO public.daily_price (DateTime) VALUES ('200...


cur.execute("INSERT INTO public.daily_price (DateTime) VALUES ('"+str(day)+"')");

How to deal with the reserved word column without altering it on the database?如何在不改变数据库的情况下处理保留字列?

As Tim Roberts points out, you have a different problem.正如蒂姆罗伯茨指出的那样,你有一个不同的问题。

Here is sample SQL that uses DateTime as a column name and executes successfully:这是使用 DateTime 作为列名并成功执行的示例 SQL:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (DateTime timestamp);
INSERT INTO foo (DateTime) VALUES (now());

For completeness, here is what happens when you are truly using a reserved keyword that postgres objects to in context:为了完整起见,当您真正使用 postgres 在上下文中反对的保留关键字时,会发生以下情况:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (select timestamp);
INSERT INTO foo (select) VALUES (now());

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "select"
LINE 1: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (select timestamp);
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "VALUES"
LINE 1: INSERT INTO foo (select) VALUES (now());

To fix this case, you would use double-quotes:要解决这种情况,您可以使用双引号:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ("select" timestamp);
INSERT INTO foo ("select") VALUES (now());

This would work correctly - but this is not your problem.这将正常工作 - 但这不是你的问题。 Something you are not seeing is wrong with the schema.您没有看到的东西是架构错误的。

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