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Psycopg2 关系数据库不存在

[英]Psycopg2 relation db does not exist

I recently started using Macbook because my laptop was changed at work and right after that I started having problems with some of my code that I use to upload a dataframe to a postgresql database.我最近开始使用 Macbook,因为我的笔记本电脑在工作时发生了变化,之后我开始遇到一些用于将数据帧上传到 postgresql 数据库的代码的问题。

import psycopg2
from io import StringIO

def create_connection(user,password):
    return psycopg2.connect(

conn = create_connection(user,password)

table = "data_analytics.tbl_summary_wingmans_rt"
buffer = StringIO()
df.to_csv(buffer, header=False, index=False)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.copy_from(buffer, table, sep=",", null="")

As you can see, the code is quite simple and even before the change of equipment it ran without major problem on Windows.如您所见,代码非常简单,即使在更换设备之前,它在 Windows 上也没有出现重大问题。 But as soon as I run this same code on the mac it throws me the following error:但是一旦我在 mac 上运行相同的代码,它就会抛出以下错误:

Error: relation "data_analytics.tbl_summary_wingmans_rt" does not exist

In several posts I saw that it could be the use of double quotes but I have already used the following and I still do not have a positive result.在几篇文章中,我看到可能使用了双引号,但我已经使用了以下内容,但仍然没有得到肯定的结果。


The behaviour of copy_from changed in psycopg2 2.9 to properly quote the table name, which means that you can no longer supply a schema-qualified table name that way; copy_from的行为在 psycopg2 2.9 中更改为正确引用表名,这意味着您不能再以这种方式提供模式限定的表名; you have to use copy_expert instead.您必须改用copy_expert

You have to separate schema and table before sending it to Postgres parser now, when you are sending "data_analytics.tbl_summary_wingmans_rt" its a single string and unable to parse现在,当您发送"data_analytics.tbl_summary_wingmans_rt"它是一个字符串并且无法解析时,您必须在将其发送到 Postgres 解析器之前将模式和表分开

use '"data_analytics"."tbl_summary_wingmans_rt"' this will parse the output as "schema"."table" and PostgreSQL will be able to parse使用'"data_analytics"."tbl_summary_wingmans_rt"'这会将输出解析为 "schema"."table" 并且 PostgreSQL 将能够解析

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