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如何计算 R 中给定范围内的值以上的实例数?

[英]How to count number of instances above a value within a given range in R?

I have a rather large dataset looking at SNPs across an entire genome.我有一个相当大的数据集来查看整个基因组的 SNP。 I am trying to generate a heatmap that scales based on how many SNPs have a BF (bayes factor) value over 50 within a sliding window of x base pairs across the genome.我正在尝试生成一个热图,该热图基于在整个基因组中 x 个碱基对的滑动 window 中有多少 SNP 具有超过 50 的 BF(贝叶斯因子)值。 For example, there might be 5 SNPs of interest within the first 1,000,000 base pairs, and then 3 in the next 1,000,000, and so on until I reach the end of the genome, which would be used to generate a single row heatmap.例如,前 1,000,000 个碱基对中可能有 5 个感兴趣的 SNP,然后在接下来的 1,000,000 个中可能有 3 个,依此类推,直到我到达基因组的末尾,这将用于生成单行热图。 Currently, my data are set out like so:目前,我的数据是这样设置的:

0001_107388 11.62814713 107388
0001_193069 2.333472447 193069
0001_278038 51.34452334 278038
0001_328786 5.321968927 328786
0001_523879 50.03245434 523879
0001_804477 -0.51777189 804477
0001_990357 6.235452787 990357
0001_1033297    3.08206707  1033297
0001_1167609    -2.427835577    1167609
0001_1222410    52.96447989 1222410
0001_1490205    10.98099565 1490205
0001_1689133    3.75363951  1689133
0001_1746080    3.519987207 1746080
0001_1746450    -2.86666016 1746450
0001_1777011    0.166999413 1777011
0001_2114817    3.266942137 2114817
0001_2232084    50.43561123 2232084
0001_2332903    -0.15022324 2332903
0001_2347062    -1.209000033    2347062
0001_2426273    1.230915683 2426273

where SNP = the SNP ID, BF = the bayes factor, and BP = the position on the genome (I've fudged a couple of > 50 values in there for the data to be suitable for this example).其中 SNP = SNP ID,BF = 贝叶斯因子,BP = 基因组上的 position(我已经在其中捏造了几个 > 50 个值,以使数据适合本示例)。

The issue is that I don't have a SNP for each genome position, otherwise I could simply split the windows of interest based on line count and then count however many lines in the BF column are over 50. Is there any way I can I count the number of SNPs of interest within different windows of the genome positions?问题是我没有每个基因组 position 的 SNP,否则我可以简单地根据行数拆分感兴趣的 windows,然后计算 BF 列中的许多行超过 50。计算基因组位置的不同 windows 内感兴趣的 SNP 数量? Preferably in R, but no issues with using other languages like Python or Bash if it gets the job done.最好在 R 中,但如果完成工作,使用 Python 或 Bash 等其他语言没有问题。


library(slider); library(dplyr)
my_data %>%
  mutate(count = slide_index(BF, BP, ~sum(.x > 50), .before = 999999))

This counts how many BF > 50 in the window of the last 1M in BP.这计算了BP中最后1M的window中有多少BF> 50。

            SNP         BF      BP count
1   0001_107388 11.6281471  107388     0
2   0001_193069  2.3334724  193069     0
3   0001_278038 51.3445233  278038     1
4   0001_328786  5.3219689  328786     1
5   0001_523879 50.0324543  523879     2
6   0001_804477 -0.5177719  804477     2
7   0001_990357  6.2354528  990357     2
8  0001_1033297  3.0820671 1033297     2
9  0001_1167609 -2.4278356 1167609     2
10 0001_1222410 52.9644799 1222410     3
11 0001_1490205 10.9809957 1490205     2
12 0001_1689133  3.7536395 1689133     1
13 0001_1746080  3.5199872 1746080     1
14 0001_1746450 -2.8666602 1746450     1
15 0001_1777011  0.1669994 1777011     1
16 0001_2114817  3.2669421 2114817     1
17 0001_2232084 50.4356112 2232084     1
18 0001_2332903 -0.1502232 2332903     1
19 0001_2347062 -1.2090000 2347062     1
20 0001_2426273  1.2309157 2426273     1

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