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AppImage - AppRun 给出分段错误

[英]AppImage - AppRun gives segmentation fault

I have a Qt-Qml application that i've built and packed on Ubuntu 20.04.2 using appimage-builder .我有一个 Qt-Qml 应用程序,我使用appimage-builder在 Ubuntu 20.04.2 上构建和打包。 I tried to deploy it to a Debian 10.8.0 virtual machine.我尝试将其部署到 Debian 10.8.0 虚拟机。 When I try and run the .AppImage it is waiting for a couple seconds and then stopping with no output.当我尝试运行.AppImage时,它会等待几秒钟,然后在没有 output 的情况下停止。 If i run from extracted AppRun, it will give a segmentation fault.如果我从提取的 AppRun 运行,它将给出分段错误。 I've run AppRun with strace and i saw many dependency issues.我用 strace 运行了 AppRun,我看到了很多依赖问题。 I shared the output of strace./AppRun 2>&1 | grep openat | grep \\.so我分享了strace的strace./AppRun 2>&1 | grep openat | grep \\.so strace./AppRun 2>&1 | grep openat | grep \\.so strace./AppRun 2>&1 | grep openat | grep \\.so below maybe it helps. strace./AppRun 2>&1 | grep openat | grep \\.so下面可能会有所帮助。

I don't know what to do next.我不知道下一步该做什么。 I made sure each library which strace outputted is in the AppDir under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ .我确保 strace 输出的每个库都在/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/下的 AppDir 中。 I cannot share the output here because of the character limit.由于字符限制,我无法在此处分享 output。 Here's a link to it.这是它的链接 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Be aware Ubuntu 20 is based on Debian 11. So you compiled with newer kernel and libraries than what you have at runtime.请注意 Ubuntu 20 基于 Debian 11。因此,您使用比运行时更新的 kernel 和库进行编译。 This almost certainly leads to problems.这几乎肯定会导致问题。

You may want to compile on Ubuntu 18 (which is based on Debian 10), then run on Ubuntu 20. This more likely contains compatible changes than the way you tried.您可能想在 Ubuntu 18(基于 Debian 10)上编译,然后在 Ubuntu 10 上运行,然后运行 Ubuntu 20。

See also https://askubuntu.com/a/445496/1182429另请参阅https://askubuntu.com/a/445496/1182429

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