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如何更改表中特定行和列的 colors?

[英]How to change a the colors of specific rows and columns in a table?

I've been working on a project where I intend to use tkinter to create a window with a table containing all my results.我一直在从事一个项目,我打算使用 tkinter 创建一个 window ,其中包含一个包含我所有结果的表。 To do this, I have the following code.为此,我有以下代码。 The code runs just fine, but the problem is I need to attribute some colors to specific rows and columns while with the current code it all ends up in blue.代码运行得很好,但问题是我需要将一些 colors 归因于特定的行和列,而当前的代码最终都是蓝色的。 Let's say for example I need to have the first 3 rows of column 1 in red.例如,假设我需要将第 1 列的前 3 行设为红色。 Any ideas about howthis can be done?关于如何做到这一点的任何想法? Thank you very much for any help.非常感谢您的帮助。

# Create a table for tkinter

class Table:

def __init__(self, root):

    # code for creating table
    for i in range(total_rows):
        for j in range(total_columns):
            self.e = Entry(root, width=20, fg='blue',
                           font=('Arial', 16, 'bold'))
            self.e.grid(row=i, column=j)
            self.e.insert(END, lst[i][j])

# take the data
lst = [(1, 'Raj', 'Mumbai', 19),
       (2, 'Aaryan', 'Pune', 18),
       (3, 'Vaishnavi', 'Mumbai', 20),
       (4, 'Rachna', 'Mumbai', 21),
       (5, 'Shubham', 'Delhi', 21)]

# find total number of rows and columns in list for tkinter
total_rows = len(lst)
total_columns = len(lst[0])

# create root window
root = Tk()
t = Table(root)

Try this:尝试这个:

import tkinter as tk

# It's better to inherit from `tkinter.Frame` so we can use the table
# as a normal tkinter widget
class Table(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, data=[], **kwargs):
        super().__init__(master, **kwargs)
        self.table = []
        for i, _list in enumerate(data):
            row = []
            for j, entry_data in enumerate(_list):
                entry = tk.Entry(self, width=20, fg="blue",
                                 font=("Arial", 16, "bold"))
                entry.grid(row=i, column=j)
                entry.insert("end", entry_data)

    def column_config(self, column_number, **kwargs):
        for row in self.table:
            # Call `<tkinter.Entry>.config(**kwargs)`

# take the data
data = [(1, "Raj", "Mumbai", 19),
        (2, "Aaryan", "Pune", 18),
        (3, "Vaishnavi", "Mumbai", 20),
        (4, "Rachna", "Mumbai", 21),
        (5, "Shubham", "Delhi", 21)]

# create root window
root = tk.Tk()
table = Table(root, data)
# Column 3 is the last one
table.column_config(3, fg="red", bg="cyan")

I made a few changes:我做了一些改变:

  • I put made the Table act as any other tkinter widget by inheriting from tkinter.Frame我通过从tkinter.Frame继承使Table充当任何其他tkinter小部件
  • I also put all of the entries in a list so I can access them later我还将所有条目放在一个列表中,以便以后访问它们
  • Also I added the column_config method我还添加了column_config方法

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