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[英]How to write in a less cumbersome way an extension method for generic Interface with a constraint

interface interface1<Coordinate> where Coordinate : IComparable<Coordinate>
    Coordinate getPosition(XYZ p);

static class CreateOrderOnASpaceExtensions
    public static IOrderedEnumerable<T> OrderElements<Coordinate, T>(this interface1<Coordinate> myInterface, IEnumerable<T> elements, Func<T, XYZ> elementToPoint)
        where Coordinate : IComparable<Coordinate>
        x => myInterface.getPosition(elementToPoint(x)),
        Comparer<Coordinate>.Create((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)

Should I really write where Coordinate: IComparable<Coordinate> in the extension method declaration?我真的应该在扩展方法声明中写where Coordinate: IComparable<Coordinate>吗?

I already said that Coordinate is comparable when I created interface1 .我在创建interface1时已经说过Coordinate是可比较的。

Without that:没有那个:

There is no boxing convertion or type paramater convertion from Coordinate to Comparable没有从 Coordinate 到 Comparable 的装箱转换或类型参数转换

I'll use === to show to which part the where applies in each of your generic definitions:我将使用===来显示在您的每个通用定义where适用于哪个部分:

interface interface1<Coordinate>
                     where Coordinate : IComparable<Coordinate>


static class CreateOrderOnASpaceExtensions
    public static IOrderedEnumerable<T> OrderElements<Coordinate, T>(this interface1<Coordinate> myInterface, IEnumerable<T> elements, Func<T, XYZ> elementToPoint)
                                                      where Coordinate : IComparable<Coordinate>

Without the 2nd where , the compiler will see that you are trying to feed an unconstrained type Coordinate (which could then be anything) into interface1<> , which has a constraint , making the unconstrained Coordinate not allowed.如果没有第二个where ,编译器会看到您正在尝试将不受约束的类型Coordinate (然后可以是任何东西)输入interface1<> ,它有一个 constraint ,使得不受约束Coordinate是不允许的。

The fact that interface1 has a constraint does not mean that the "world" outside of it will magically also be restricted if you try to connect it; interface1具有约束的事实并不意味着如果您尝试连接它,它之外的“世界”也会神奇地受到限制; it already needs to fit before it can be allowed.它已经需要适应才能被允许。

An analogy: you made a railroad which requires trains.打个比方:你建造了一条需要火车的铁路。 You first need to make a train, and then you can put in on the railroad.您首先需要制作火车,然后您可以放入铁路。 There's no magic that makes any vehicle that you put on it a train.没有任何魔法可以让你装上的任何车辆成为火车。

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