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将 Blazor 部署到 Firebase 并出现错误 Firebase 托管设置完成

[英]Deploy Blazor to Firebase and have error Firebase Hosting Setup Complete

I want to deploy my Blazor project with Firebase hosting.我想使用 Firebase 托管部署我的 Blazor 项目。 I have tried a few times to deploy but have the same erorr Firebase Hosting Setup Complete .我已经尝试了几次部署,但有相同的错误Firebase Hosting Setup Complete Deploy Blazor project部署 Blazor 项目

firebase login
firebase init
What do you want to use as your public directory? public
Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? No
Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? No
File public/index.html already exists. Overwrite? No
Skipping write of public/index.html
firebase deploy

First of all, you can deploy to firebase hosting only client side app.首先,您可以部署到仅托管客户端应用程序的 firebase。 So your app must be Blazor WebAssembly single-page app.所以你的应用必须是 Blazor WebAssembly 单页应用。 Moreover you are not overwriting index.html so you will see the default firebase file (you can check this ).此外,您没有覆盖index.html因此您将看到默认的 firebase 文件(您可以查看文件)。 So you have to overwrite default index.html with yours.所以你必须用你的覆盖默认index.html

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