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根据某些条件添加 object 实例属性是一种好习惯吗?

[英]Is it a good practice to add object instance attributes according to some condition?

I have the following python code, where I create a food object, which adds instance attributes according to the food type:我有以下 python 代码,其中我创建了一个食物 object,它根据食物类型添加实例属性:

class Food:  
      def __init__(self, type):
            if type=="milk":
      def ___add_milk_attributes():
          self.liters= 2
          # more attributes of milk

      def ___add_apple_attributes():
          self.wight= 1
          # more attributes of apple

Is it a good practice to add dynamic attributes as above?如上所述添加动态属性是一种好习惯吗? I know that Pycharm returns weak warnings that all field should be initiated in the constructor.我知道 Pycharm 返回弱警告,所有字段都应在构造函数中启动。

Edit: The user cannot accesses the internal object implementation (ie, Apple or Milk), and should only access the Food constructor to create the object.编辑:用户无法访问内部 object 实现(即 Apple 或 Milk),并且只能访问 Food 构造函数来创建 object。 Thus, inheritance alone is not enough.因此,仅 inheritance 是不够的。 Is there a way to call the Apple/Milk constructor from the Food contractor, without creating a new object?有没有办法从食品承包商调用 Apple/Milk 构造函数,而不创建新的 object?

From my point of view this kind of problems must be solved with inheritance, so you should have three different classes.从我的角度来看,这种问题必须用 inheritance 来解决,所以你应该有三个不同的类。

A "base class" that is Food:作为 Food 的“基类”:

class Food:  
    def __init__(self, type):
        self.type = type

Then, another class for Milk:然后,另一个用于牛奶的 class:

class Milk(Food):
    def __init__(self, type, liters, fat_precentage):
        self.liters = liters
        self.fat_precentage = fat_precentage

And another one for Apple:苹果的另一个:

class Apple(Food):
    def __init__(self, type, wight, color):
        self.wight = wight
        self.color = color

This approach allows you to have more flexible code for any future changes (for example think if you need to add another 10 foods).这种方法使您可以为将来的任何更改提供更灵活的代码(例如,考虑是否需要再添加 10 种食物)。 Then, I think it is also more readable and debuggable然后,我认为它也更具可读性和可调试性

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