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如何使用场景大纲继续执行 Pytest BDD 中的步骤

[英]How to continue execution of steps in Pytest BDD with scenario outline

I'm trying to implement a Feature scenario outline, something similar to below:我正在尝试实现功能场景大纲,类似于以下内容:

Feature: Scenario outlines
    Scenario Outline: Outlined given, when, then
        Given there are <start> cucumbers
        Given there are <start> apples
        When I eat <eat> cucumbers
        When I eat <eat> apples
        Then I should have <left_c> cucumbers
        Then I should have <left_a> apples

        | start | eat | left_c | left_a |
        |  12   |  5  |  4     | 7      |

Here I should have <left_c> cucumbers will fail and the execution will stop without considering the second step.在这里I should have <left_c> cucumbers会失败并且执行将停止而不考虑第二步。 Is there a way to execute the remaining steps even if some steps fail in pytest bdd?即使 pytest bdd 中的某些步骤失败,是否有办法执行剩余步骤?

May be you just need to define the code implementation of "I should have <left_c> cucumbers" with a verification instead of assert.可能您只需要使用验证而不是断言来定义“我应该有 <left_c> 黄瓜”的代码实现。 The verification can be caught in the report.html to view the failure reason.验证可以在报告中抓到html查看故障原因。 At the same time, the code will continue to execute the next "Then" statement as well without any issues.同时,代码也将继续执行下一个“Then”语句,没有任何问题。 Since the code implementation is not added in the question, can't help further.由于问题中没有添加代码实现,因此无法进一步提供帮助。


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