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使用 tkinter 和类创建多个不同颜色的形状

[英]Creating multiple differently colored shapes using tkinter and classes

I'm trying to create a program that will draw 16 different squares, in four different colors.我正在尝试创建一个程序,该程序将在四个不同的 colors 中绘制 16 个不同的正方形。 So for example, the code for a red piece looks like this:例如,红色部分的代码如下所示:

redSquare = Label(window,bg="red",width=2,height=2)

Now, instead of copy and pasting this multiple time in my code, would there be a way to create a class, where the changeable attribute is the color and position?现在,不是在我的代码中多次复制和粘贴,有没有办法创建一个 class,其中可变属性是颜色和 position? And if so, how would that code look?如果是这样,该代码的外观如何?

I wrote this code now using the best practices that I have learned so far.我现在使用迄今为止学到的最佳实践编写了这段代码。 The class inherits from a Frame which means, you have a frame with all these colors gridded inside of it. class 继承自Frame ,这意味着,您有一个框架,所有这些 colors 都在其中网格化。 This gives the colors in a table format.这给出了表格格式的 colors。 I would not recommend using pixels as it is not dynamic with different screen resolutions.我不建议使用像素,因为它在不同的屏幕分辨率下不是动态的。 You will have to create a list of colors for all the rows and columns, if not, colors will be repeated.您必须为所有行和列创建 colors 列表,如果没有,则将重复 colors。 Take a look:看一看:

from tkinter import *

class SquareGenerator(Frame): # Inherit from tkinter Frame
    def __init__(self,parent:Tk,color_lst:list,rows:int,columns:int,side:int,padx:int=0,pady:int=0,*args,**kwargs):
        img = PhotoImage(height=1,width=1) # To use pixels with label
        if len(color_lst) != rows*columns: # If not enough colors are given
            print('WARNING: Did not recieve a valid color list, using custom list')
            if len(color_lst) < rows*columns:
                if (rows*columns)-len(color_lst) == 1:
                    color_lst = color_lst*((rows*columns)-len(color_lst)) # Repeat the list enough times
                color_lst = color_lst[:rows*columns]
        # Table loop
        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(columns):
                each_color = color_lst[columns*i+j] # Index each item in list
                l = Label(self,bg=each_color,image=img,width=side,height=side) # Create label

if __name__ == '__main__':  
    root = Tk()

    colors = ['red','green','blue','orange']
    gen = SquareGenerator(root,colors,rows=5,columns=1,side=100) # Replicate microsoft logo ;)


This will create a frame with each colors in the given list kept in 2 rows and 2 columns.这将创建一个框架,将给定列表中的每个 colors 保存在 2 行和 2 列中。 So total 4 colors are needed to be defined.所以总共需要定义4个colors。 You can play around and try passing in less than or more than 4 colors and see what happens with current code too.您可以四处玩耍并尝试传入少于或多于 4 个 colors 并查看当前代码会发生什么。

However I used classes, just because you had asked for it, a non OOP approach would be:但是我使用了类,只是因为您要求它,非 OOP 方法将是:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

frame = Frame(root)

ROWS = 5
PADX = 0
PADY = 0

colors = ['red','green','blue','orange']

if len(colors) != ROWS*COLUMNS: # If not enough colors are given
    print('WARNING: Did not recieve a valid color list, using custom list')
    if len(colors) > ROWS*COLUMNS:
        colors = colors[:ROWS*COLUMNS]
        if (ROWS*COLUMNS)-len(colors) == 1:
            colors = colors*((ROWS*COLUMNS)-len(colors)) # Repeat the list enough times

img = PhotoImage(height=1,width=1) # To use pixels with label
for i in range(ROWS):
    for j in range(COLUMNS):
        each_color = colors[COLUMNS*i+j] # Index each item in list
        l = Label(frame,bg=each_color,image=img,width=SIDE_LENGTH,height=SIDE_LENGTH) # Create label


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