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在用户创建的 function 上使用列表和 mapply 用于 r 中的总和编码对比

[英]Using lists and mapply on user created function for sum coding contrasts in r

I want to use lists and mapply on user created function for sum coding contrasts in r.我想在用户创建的 function 上使用列表和映射,用于 r 中的总和编码对比。 But when I try it does not work.但是当我尝试时它不起作用。 Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Specifically, I want to apply sum contrasts to am and vs to create the sum-coding variables am_c and vs_c in the mtcars data.具体来说,我想对amvs应用 sum contrasts 以在mtcars数据中创建 sum 编码变量am_cvs_c I can do this the long way, but when I try to create a user-created function that produces a data frame with these results, called function_data_frame__sum_contrast() to complete this task, it does not work.我可以做到这一点,但是当我尝试创建一个用户创建的 function 生成具有这些结果的数据帧时,称为function_data_frame__sum_contrast()来完成此任务,它不起作用。

The function works when I put in individual inputs:当我输入单独的输入时,function 工作:

### applied function to individually inputted ivs and datasets
head(function_data_frame__sum_contrast(vs, mtcars_short_way_df))

   mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb vs_c
1 21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4    0
2 21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4    0
3 14.3   8 360.0 245 3.21 3.570 15.84  0  0    3    4    0
4 16.4   8 275.8 180 3.07 4.070 17.40  0  0    3    3    0
5 18.7   8 360.0 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2    0
6 15.2   8 275.8 180 3.07 3.780 18.00  0  0    3    3    0

It does not work when using the list form使用列表形式时不起作用

### applied function to first value in list
function_data_frame__sum_contrast(IV_info_short_way$IV_analyses[1], IV_info_short_way$dataset_analyses[1])

 Error in get(nm1) : 
  object 'IV_info_short_way$dataset_analyses[1]' not found 

It does not work with mapply() either.它也不适用于 mapply() 。

### attempts to mapply for all parts of relevant lists
mtcars_short_way_df <- 
         (IV_info$IV_original[IV_info$IV_nature == "nominal"]), 
         (IV_info$dataset_analyses[IV_info$IV_nature == "nominal"]), 
         SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

Error in mapply(function_data_frame__sum_contrast, (IV_info$IV_original[IV_info$IV_nature ==  : 
  zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length

Please help, if possible.如果可能,请提供帮助。

Here is the code for the practice:这是练习的代码:

# practice script

## loads packages for analyses
# ---- NOTE: data wrangling

## gives information about datasets

### mtcars
# ---- NOTE: displays head of data
# ---- NOTE: gives structure of data
str(mtcars, list.len=ncol(mtcars))
# ---- NOTE: gives colnames of data

## produces IV_info chart
IV_info <- 
      IV = c("vs", "am"), 
      IV_analyses = c("vs", "am"), 
      IV_nature = c("nominal", "nominal"),
      dataset_name = c("mtcars"),
      dataset_analyses = c("mtcars")

## produces datasets for practice
# ---- NOTE: creates long way dataset
mtcars_long_way_df <- mtcars
# ---- NOTE: creates long way dataset
mtcars_short_way_df <- mtcars

## long way

### changes IV_info to IV_info_short_way
# ---- NOTE: creates dataset
IV_info_short_way <- IV_info
# ---- NOTE: changes dataset_analyses variable
IV_info_short_way$dataset_analyses <- paste(IV_info_short_way$dataset_analysis, "_short_way_df", sep="")

### creates individual contrast variables
# ---- NOTE: based on IV_info_long_way$IV_analyses list

#### variable: vs
# ---- NOTE: gives levels of variable
# ---- NOTE: gives length of levels of variable
# ---- NOTE: creates contrast variable
mtcars_long_way_df$vs_c <- mtcars_long_way_df$vs
# ---- NOTE: turns contrast variable to factor
mtcars_long_way_df$vs_c <- as.factor(as.character(mtcars_long_way_df$vs_c))
# ---- NOTE: creates contrast variable
contrasts(mtcars_long_way_df$vs_c) <- 

#### variable: am
# ---- NOTE: gives levels of variable
# ---- NOTE: gives length of levels of variable
# ---- NOTE: creates contrast variable
mtcars_long_way_df$am_c <- mtcars_long_way_df$am
# ---- NOTE: turns contrast variable to factor
mtcars_long_way_df$am_c <- as.factor(as.character(mtcars_long_way_df$am_c))
# ---- NOTE: creates contrast variable
contrasts(mtcars_long_way_df$am_c) <- 

## short way way

### changes IV_info to IV_info_short_way
# ---- NOTE: creates dataset
IV_info_short_way <- IV_info
# ---- NOTE: changes dataset_analyses variable
IV_info_short_way$dataset_analyses <- paste(IV_info_short_way$dataset_analyses, "_short_way_df", sep="")

### creates function function_data_frame__sum_contrast
# ---- NOTE: creates function
function_data_frame__sum_contrast <- 
  # ---- NOTE: turns variable into sum contrasted version of variable
  # ---- NOTE: variable_name ==  variable to be turned to sum contrast
  # ---- NOTE: dataset_name == dataset that contains variable name
  # ---- NOTE: generally speaking, procedure is to create new variable with "_c" as suffix for corresponding sum contrasted variable
  function(variable_name, dataset_name)
    # ---- NOTE: # changes variable_name and dataset_name to strings
    colnm <- deparse(substitute(variable_name))
    nm1 <- deparse(substitute(dataset_name))
    # ---- NOTE: # base data frame
    dataset_funct_object_A <-
    # ---- NOTE: adds merging column to base data frame
    dataset_funct_object_A$merging_column <- dataset_funct_object_A[[colnm]]
    # ---- NOTE: ## turns data into data frame
    dataset_funct_object_A <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_A)
    # ---- NOTE: # sets up unique values part of data
    # ---- NOTE: ## creates object with unique variable values
    dataset_funct_object_B <-  unique(dataset_funct_object_A[[colnm]])
    # ---- NOTE: ### turns object to data frame
    dataset_funct_object_B <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_B)
    # ---- NOTE: ### changes colnames
    colnames(dataset_funct_object_B) <- c("variable_levels")
    # ---- NOTE: ## gives info on whether a given variable_level has a value of NA
    dataset_funct_object_B$isNA <- is.na(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels)
    # ---- NOTE: ## gives length of data frame column
    dataset_funct_object_B$variable_level_number <- (as.numeric(as.character(length(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels))) - as.numeric(as.character(length(which(dataset_funct_object_B$isNA=="TRUE")))))
    # ---- NOTE: ## displays distinct number of levels of variariable of interest, from variable_level_number
    as.numeric(distinct(dataset_funct_object_B, variable_level_number))
    # ---- NOTE: ## the contrast matrix for categorical variable with a given number of levels
    contr.sum(as.numeric(distinct(dataset_funct_object_B, variable_level_number)))
    # ---- NOTE: ## creates variable_levels_c variable, which will be used to hold contrast matrix
    dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels_c <- as.factor(as.character(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels))
    # ---- NOTE: ## inserts the contrast matrix for categorical variable with a given number of levels transfers into appropriate variable
    contrasts(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels_c) = contr.sum(as.numeric(distinct(dataset_funct_object_B, variable_level_number)))
    # ---- NOTE: adds merging column to data frame
    dataset_funct_object_B$merging_column <- dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels
    # ---- NOTE: merges original dataset with dataset of interest
    dataset_funct_object_C <- 
            by.x = "merging_column", 
            by.y = "merging_column", 
            all.x = TRUE,
            all.y = FALSE,
            no.dups = TRUE)
    # ---- NOTE: # removes merging column from appropriate object
    dataset_funct_object_D <- 
      dataset_funct_object_C %>% 
    # ---- NOTE: turns data into data frame
    dataset_funct_object_D <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_D)
    # ---- NOTE: ## changes colname
    names(dataset_funct_object_D)[names(dataset_funct_object_D) == "variable_levels_c"] <- paste(colnm, "_c", sep = "")
    # ---- NOTE: turns data into data frame
    dataset_funct_object_D <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_D)
    # ---- NOTE: # returns appropriate object/variable

### applied function to individually inputted ivs and datasets
head(function_data_frame__sum_contrast(vs, mtcars_short_way_df))

### applied function to first value in list
function_data_frame__sum_contrast(IV_info_short_way$IV_analyses[1], IV_info_short_way$dataset_analyses[1])
# ---- NOTE: does not work

### attempts to mapply for all parts of relevant lists
mtcars_short_way_df <- 
         (IV_info$IV_original[IV_info$IV_nature == "nominal"]), 
         (IV_info$dataset_analyses[IV_info$IV_nature == "nominal"]), 
         SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# ---- NOTE: does not work

The deparse/substitute works when the input argument is unquoted and want to retrieve as a string.当输入参数未加引号并且想要作为字符串检索时, deparse/substitute起作用。 In the loop, we are passing a string directly.在循环中,我们直接传递一个字符串。 So, we can change that line to因此,我们可以将该行更改为

 colnm <- variable_name
 nm1 <- dataset_name

-full function -全 function

function_data_frame__sum_contrast <- 
  # ---- NOTE: turns variable into sum contrasted version of variable
  # ---- NOTE: variable_name ==  variable to be turned to sum contrast
  # ---- NOTE: dataset_name == dataset that contains variable name
  # ---- NOTE: generally speaking, procedure is to create new variable with "_c" as suffix for corresponding sum contrasted variable
  function(variable_name, dataset_name)
    # ---- NOTE: # changes variable_name and dataset_name to strings
    #colnm <- deparse(substitute(variable_name))
    colnm <- variable_name
    nm1 <- dataset_name
    # ---- NOTE: # base data frame
    dataset_funct_object_A <-
    # ---- NOTE: adds merging column to base data frame
    dataset_funct_object_A$merging_column <- dataset_funct_object_A[[colnm]]
    # ---- NOTE: ## turns data into data frame
    dataset_funct_object_A <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_A)
    # ---- NOTE: # sets up unique values part of data
    # ---- NOTE: ## creates object with unique variable values
    dataset_funct_object_B <-  unique(dataset_funct_object_A[[colnm]])
    # ---- NOTE: ### turns object to data frame
    dataset_funct_object_B <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_B)
    # ---- NOTE: ### changes colnames
    colnames(dataset_funct_object_B) <- c("variable_levels")
    # ---- NOTE: ## gives info on whether a given variable_level has a value of NA
    dataset_funct_object_B$isNA <- is.na(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels)
    # ---- NOTE: ## gives length of data frame column
    dataset_funct_object_B$variable_level_number <- (as.numeric(as.character(length(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels))) - as.numeric(as.character(length(which(dataset_funct_object_B$isNA=="TRUE")))))
    # ---- NOTE: ## displays distinct number of levels of variariable of interest, from variable_level_number
    as.numeric(distinct(dataset_funct_object_B, variable_level_number))
    # ---- NOTE: ## the contrast matrix for categorical variable with a given number of levels
    contr.sum(as.numeric(distinct(dataset_funct_object_B, variable_level_number)))
    # ---- NOTE: ## creates variable_levels_c variable, which will be used to hold contrast matrix
    dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels_c <- as.factor(as.character(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels))
    # ---- NOTE: ## inserts the contrast matrix for categorical variable with a given number of levels transfers into appropriate variable
    contrasts(dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels_c) = contr.sum(as.numeric(distinct(dataset_funct_object_B, variable_level_number)))
    # ---- NOTE: adds merging column to data frame
    dataset_funct_object_B$merging_column <- dataset_funct_object_B$variable_levels
    # ---- NOTE: merges original dataset with dataset of interest
    dataset_funct_object_C <- 
            by.x = "merging_column", 
            by.y = "merging_column", 
            all.x = TRUE,
            all.y = FALSE,
            no.dups = TRUE)
    # ---- NOTE: # removes merging column from appropriate object
    dataset_funct_object_D <- 
      dataset_funct_object_C %>% 
    # ---- NOTE: turns data into data frame
    dataset_funct_object_D <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_D)
    # ---- NOTE: ## changes colname
    names(dataset_funct_object_D)[names(dataset_funct_object_D) == "variable_levels_c"] <- paste(colnm, "_c", sep = "")
    # ---- NOTE: turns data into data frame
    dataset_funct_object_D <- data.frame(dataset_funct_object_D)
    # ---- NOTE: # returns appropriate object/variable

-testing -测试

Assuming IV_original is IV (as the column was not found in the OP's input example)假设IV_originalIV (因为在 OP 的输入示例中找不到该列)

mtcars_short_way_df <- 
         (IV_info$IV[IV_info$IV_nature == "nominal"]), 
         (IV_info$dataset_analyses[IV_info$IV_nature == "nominal"]), 
         SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
lapply(mtcars_short_way_df, head, 3)
   mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb vs_c
1 21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4    0
2 21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4    0
3 14.3   8  360 245 3.21 3.570 15.84  0  0    3    4    0

   mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb am_c
1 18.7   8 360.0 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2    0
2 22.8   4 140.8  95 3.92 3.150 22.90  1  0    4    2    0
3 21.4   6 258.0 110 3.08 3.215 19.44  1  0    3    1    0

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