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Python Function 使用深度 LS 递归生成器出错

[英]Python Function Error with Deep LS recursion generator

I have the following function that should do a recursion on all data lake assets, however it is giving me the following error TypeError: <generator object deep_ls at 0x7fc512538e40> has the wrong type - (<class 'str'>,) is expected.我有以下 function 应该对所有数据湖资产进行递归,但是它给了我以下错误TypeError: <generator object deep_ls at 0x7fc512538e40> has the wrong type - (<class 'str'>,) is expected. when calling the following line files = dbutils.fs.ls(deep_ls(root, max_depth=20)) which is meant to get the files recursively.当调用以下行时files = dbutils.fs.ls(deep_ls(root, max_depth=20))旨在递归获取文件。 Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how to fix this:您对如何解决此问题有任何想法或建议:

def deep_ls(path: str, max_depth=1):

    # Hidden files may be filtered out
    condition = None if keep_hidden else lambda x: x.name[0] not in ('_', '.')

    # List all files in path and apply sorting rules
    li = sorted(filter(condition, dbutils.fs.ls(path)),reverse=reverse, key=key)

    # Return all files (not ending with '/')
    for x in li:
        if x.path[-1] != '/':
            yield x

    # If the max_depth has not been reached, start
    # listing files and folders in subdirectories
    if max_depth > 1:
        for x in li:
            if x.path[-1] != '/':
            for y in deep_ls(x.path, max_depth - 1, reverse, key, keep_hidden):
                yield y

    # If max_depth has been reached,
    # return the folders
        for x in li:
            if x.path[-1] == '/':
                yield x

def key(val):
        return int(list(filter(bool, val.path.split('/'))).pop().split('=').pop())
    except ValueError as e:
        return -1

Here is the full databricks notebook code that is trying to call this function:这是尝试调用此 function 的完整数据块笔记本代码:

    # Example Implementation
# ----------------------

# Library Imports

import os
import requests
import json
import jmespath
import pandas as pd

from pprint import pprint
from pyapacheatlas.auth import ServicePrincipalAuthentication
from pyapacheatlas.core import PurviewClient, AtlasEntity, AtlasProcess, TypeCategory
from pyapacheatlas.core.typedef import *

from pyspark.sql import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *

# Authentication

# Service Principal with "Purview Data Source Administrator" permissions on Purview
tenant_id = "enter-tenant-id"
client_id = "enter-client-id"
client_secret = "enter-client-secret"
resource_url = "https://purview.azure.net"
data_catalog_name = "demo-purview"
adls_sas_token = 'enter-sas-token-here'

# Retrieve authentication objects
azuread_access_token = azuread_auth(tenant_id, client_id, client_secret, resource_url)
purview_client = purview_auth(tenant_id, client_id, client_secret, data_catalog_name)

# Asset details

# Asset parameters
storage_account = "adls"
container = "lake"

# The root level path we want to begin populating assets from
top_path = f"/azure_storage_account#{storage_account}.core.windows.net/azure_datalake_gen2_service#{storage_account}.dfs.core.windows.net/azure_datalake_gen2_filesystem#{container}"

# Retrieve full list of assets
assets_all = list(get_all_adls_assets(top_path, data_catalog_name, azuread_access_token, max_depth=20))

# Grab SAS token
#adls_sas_token = dbutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(linked_service_name)

# Configure Spark to access from DFS endpoint
root = 'https://%s@%s.dfs.core.windows.net/' % (container, storage_account)

spark.conf.set('fs.azure.sas.%s.%s.dfs.core.windows.net' % (container, storage_account), adls_sas_token)
print('Remote adls root path: ' + root)

# Get ADLS files recursively
files = dbutils.fs.ls(deep_ls(root, max_depth=20))
files_df = convertfiles2df(files) # Note this is a Pandas DataFrame

# Generate asset-aligned names
files_df['asset'] = files_df['name'].str.replace(r'\d+', '{N}')

# Append schema row-wise from Purview
files_df['schema'] = files_df.apply(lambda row: get_adls_asset_schema(assets_all, row['asset'], purview_client), axis=1)

# Display Asset DataFrame

The dbutils.fs.ls function accepts only one argument - string with the path, but you're passing to it the generator instead. dbutils.fs.ls function 只接受一个参数- 带有路径的字符串,但您将生成器传递给它。 You may convert it to something like this:您可以将其转换为以下内容:

for file in deep_ls(root, max_depth=20):
  res = dbutils.fs.ls(file)

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