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WinUI ItemsRepeater如何添加交错项目入口animation?

[英]How to add staggered item entrance animation to WinUI ItemsRepeater?

ItemsControl has an ItemContainerTransitions property that supports <EntranceThemeTransition IsStaggeringEnabled="True" /> . ItemsControl 具有支持<EntranceThemeTransition IsStaggeringEnabled="True" />ItemContainerTransitions属性。 I want to move to ItemsRepeater for its improved performance with large lists.我想转移到 ItemsRepeater 以提高大型列表的性能。 But ItemsRepeater doesn't seem to provide any bulit-in functionality similar to EntranceThemeTransition .但是 ItemsRepeater 似乎没有提供任何类似于EntranceThemeTransition的内置功能。 Anyone know how I might achieve a similar animation effect for ItemsRepeater?任何人都知道我如何为 ItemsRepeater 实现类似的 animation 效果?

As of right now, there only is a preview API without documentation.截至目前,只有预览版 API 没有文档。 You can take a look at the WinUI's MUXControlsTestApp that implemented some examples of using the ElementAnimator to create animations here: https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/tree/main/dev/Repeater/TestUI/Samples/AnimationSamples您可以在此处查看 WinUI 的 MUXControlsTestApp,它实现了一些使用 ElementAnimator 创建动画的示例: https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/tree/main/dev/Repeater/TestUI/Samples/动画样本

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