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How to add staggered item entrance animation to WinUI ItemsRepeater?

ItemsControl has an ItemContainerTransitions property that supports <EntranceThemeTransition IsStaggeringEnabled="True" /> . I want to move to ItemsRepeater for its improved performance with large lists. But ItemsRepeater doesn't seem to provide any bulit-in functionality similar to EntranceThemeTransition . Anyone know how I might achieve a similar animation effect for ItemsRepeater?

As of right now, there only is a preview API without documentation. You can take a look at the WinUI's MUXControlsTestApp that implemented some examples of using the ElementAnimator to create animations here: https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/tree/main/dev/Repeater/TestUI/Samples/AnimationSamples

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