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如何创建漏洞扫描程序 ping @everyone? Discord.js

[英]How to create a vulnerability scanner ping @everyone? Discord.js

I had an idea to create a useful team for server administrators .我想为服务器管理员创建一个有用的团队。 Thanks to this command, the bot shows in which channels you can ping @everyone @here .多亏了这个命令,机器人会显示您可以在哪些频道中 ping @everyone @here

Who has any suggestions on how to create this?谁对如何创建这个有任何建议?

You can iterate through the TextChannel s in a guild and look for channels where, say, @everyone has the MENTION_EVERYONE permission, allowing anyone to ping @everyone or @here.您可以在公会中遍历TextChannel并查找@everyone拥有MENTION_EVERYONE权限的频道,允许任何人 ping @everyone 或 @here。

For example, the below code finds all the TextChannel s in a guild, then checks if there is a permission overwrite for @everyone and then checks if MENTION_EVERYONE is explicitly allowed.例如,下面的代码查找公会中的所有TextChannel ,然后检查@everyone是否有权限覆盖,然后检查MENTION_EVERYONE是否被明确允许。

const vulnerableChannels = [];
const channels = message.guild.channels.cache.array().filter(channel => channel.type === 'text');
for (const channel of channels) {
    if (channel.permissionOverwrites.filter(overwrite => overwrite.id === message.guild.id && overwrite.allow.has('MENTION_EVERYONE')).array().length > 0) vulnerableChannels.push(channel.id);
let output = 'The following channel(s) are vulnerable:\n';
vulnerableChannels.forEach(channel => output = output.concat(` • <#${channel}>\n`));

@user15517071's answer would work but only if @everyone has no 'MENTION_EVERYONE' permission by default. @user15517071 的答案有效,但前提是@everyone默认没有'MENTION_EVERYONE'权限。 If you also want to check that, you will need to update your filter.如果您还想检查,您将需要更新您的过滤器。

Check out the code below, I've added plenty of comments:查看下面的代码,我添加了很多注释:

const textChannels = message.guild.channels.cache.filter((ch) => ch.type === 'text');
const canEveryoneMention = message.guild.roles.everyone.permissions.has('MENTION_EVERYONE');

const channelsWhereEveryoneCanBeMentioned = textChannels
  .map((channel) => {
    // if there are no overwrites, and everyone can mention @everyone by default
    if (!channel.permissionOverwrites.size && canEveryoneMention)
      return channel;

    // a filter to check if the overwrites allow to mention @everyone
    const overwriteFilter = (overwrite) => {
      // only check if the overwrite belongs to the @everyone role
      if (overwrite.id !== message.guild.id)
        return false;
      // check if MENTION_EVERYONE is allowed
      if (overwrite.allow.has('MENTION_EVERYONE'))
        return true;
      // or it is allowed by default and it's not denied in this overwrite
      if (canEveryoneMention && !overwrite.deny.has('MENTION_EVERYONE'))
        return true;
      // all other cases
      return false;

    const overwrites = channel.permissionOverwrites.filter(overwriteFilter);

    // only return the channel if there are "valid" overwrites
    return overwrites.size > 0 ? channel : null;
  // remove null values

const channelList = channelsWhereEveryoneCanBeMentioned.join('\n');

message.channel.send(`People can mention everyone in the following channels:\n${channelList}`);

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