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将多个 csv 文件读取到单独的数据帧循环中

[英]Read multiple csv files into separate dataframes loop

I am reading multiple CSV files and reformatting them.我正在阅读多个 CSV 文件并重新格式化它们。 I have developed this code which reads a single file.我开发了这个读取单个文件的代码。 However, I am wondering if I can loop the process to read multiple files into separate dataframes and then work on those dataframes to format and rewrite a csv file.但是,我想知道是否可以循环该过程以将多个文件读入单独的数据帧,然后处理这些数据帧以格式化和重写 csv 文件。

import pandas as pd

station_id = 'id.csv'
input_file = 'filename.txt'
unformatted = 'C:/Users/....../Unformatted/'
formatted = 'C:/....../Formatted/'

print(f'\nReading data file: {input_file}.')
fields = {
    'Timestamp': 'timestamp',
 #  'Sample Point Name': 'station_name',
 #  'Sample Point Name Description': 'station_description',
 #  'Start Date':'state_date',
    'PM10 (1h) Validated': 'PM_1h_10_ug_m3',
    'PM10 Validated' :'PM_10_ug_m3',
 #  'PM2.5 (1h) Final': 'pm_25',
 #  'PM2.5 Final': 'pm2.5_ug_m3'

df = pd.read_table(unformatted+input_file, usecols=fields.keys(), sep='\t', encoding = 'utf-16')

df.rename(columns=fields, inplace=True)

df.loc[:, 'timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], dayfirst=True)

df['date'] = df['timestamp']
df['time'] = df['timestamp']

df['date'] = df['date'].dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
df['time'] = df['time'].apply(lambda z: z.strftime('%H%M'))

df['Date_Time'] = df['date'] +' '+ df['time']

df.drop(['timestamp', 'date', 'time'], axis=1, inplace=True)

df = df[['Date_Time', 'PM_1h_10_ug_m3', 'PM_10_ug_m3']]

availability_PM_1h = df['PM_1h_10_ug_m3'].count()/df['Date_Time'].count()*100

availability_PM_10_min = df['PM_10_ug_m3'].count()/df['Date_Time'].count()*100

#Check for nan values

PM10_nan = df['PM_10_ug_m3'].isnull().sum()
PM10_1h_nan = df['PM_1h_10_ug_m3'].isnull().sum()

print('Count of PM10 NaN: ' + str(PM10_nan))
print('Count of PM10_1h NaN: ' + str(PM10_1h_nan))

df.to_csv(formatted+station_id, index=False)

Say you wrap the whole code for whatever you want to do with a single file in a function: read_single_df(filepath) .假设您将整个代码包装为 function: read_single_df(filepath)中的单个文件。 Then your code for multiple files will look like:然后您的多个文件的代码将如下所示:

# filepaths: this is the variable to store the filepaths to all files as a list

import os
import pandas as pd
from typing import List

def read_csv(filepath: str, *args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Reads a single csv file and processes it before returning 
       a `pandas.DataFrame`.
    # your logic for a single file goes here 
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath(filepath))

    # further processing steps for a single file...
    # ...
    return df

# define a list to store dataframes
dfs: List[pd.DataFrame] = []

# run loop to read and store dataframes in the list: dfs
for filepath in filepaths:

Now you can call each dataframe from the list dfs as dfs[0] , dfs[1] , etc. and apply further processing downstream.现在您可以将列表dfs中的每个 dataframe 称为dfs[0]dfs[1]等,并在下游应用进一步处理。

Some suggested improvements to your code:对您的代码的一些建议改进:

The following line is all you need instead of those six lines.以下行是您所需要的,而不是那六行。

df['Date_Time'] = df['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H%M')


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