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如何在 R 中获得 Ns 的 aa 频率

[英]How to get a a frequency of Ns in R

Here is part of my data这是我的部分数据

df<-read.table (text="  Colour Time1    Time2   Time3   Time4   Time5   Time6
Yellow  N   Y   N   N   N   Y
Red Y   N   N   N   N   Y
Yellow  N   N   N   N   N   Y
Red N   N   N   Y   Y   Y
Yellow  N   N   N   N   N   Y
Red Y   N   N   N   N   Y
Yellow  N   Y   N   N   Y   Y

", header=TRUE)

I want to get the following outcome:我想得到以下结果:

Time    Yellow  Red
Time1   4   1
Time2   2   3
Time3   4   3
Time4   4   2
Time5   3   2
Time6   0   0

As you can see, I want to count the number of Ns for each time.如您所见,我想计算每次的N个数。 For example, Time 1 has only 4 Ns in Yellow and 1 N in Red.例如,时间 1 黄色只有 4 N,红色只有 1 N。 I think we need to use group_by and then mutate for frequencies of Ns, but I am not clear how to this.我认为我们需要使用 group_by 然后对 Ns 的频率进行变异,但我不清楚如何做到这一点。

An option is to reshape to 'long' format with pivot_longer on the 'Time' columns, then reshape it back to 'wide' with pivot_wider' while specifying the values_fn to get the sum` of logical expression ie count of 'N'一个选项是在“时间”列上使用pivot_longer重塑为“long”格式,然后使用 pivot_wider 将其重塑为“wide”, pivot_wider' while specifying the values_fn to get the总和,即“N”的计数

df %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('Time'), names_to = 'Time') %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Colour, values_from = 'value',
     values_fn = function(x) sum(x == 'N'))

-output -输出

# A tibble: 6 x 3
  Time  Yellow   Red
  <chr>  <int> <int>
1 Time1      4     1
2 Time2      2     3
3 Time3      4     3
4 Time4      4     2
5 Time5      3     2
6 Time6      0     0

Or do a group by summarise across the 'Time' columns and then transpose the output或者across summarise “时间”列进行分组,然后transpose output

 df %>% 
     group_by(Colour) %>% 
     summarise(across(everything(), ~ sum(. =='N'))) %>%
     data.table::transpose(make.names = 'Colour', keep.names = 'Time')

-output -输出

   Time Red Yellow
1 Time1   1      4
2 Time2   3      2
3 Time3   3      4
4 Time4   2      4
5 Time5   2      3
6 Time6   0      0

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