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[英]Why is there no QtWebEngine in the Qt6?

Why there is no QtWebEngine in the Qt6?为什么Qt6中没有QtWebEngine? Is it depricated?它被贬低了吗? Should I use a new widget?我应该使用新的小部件吗?


Qt6 is a big change so for compatibility reasons Qt does not provide this module, it will be provided in Qt 6.2 as this post: Add-on support in Qt 6.0 and beyond points out. Qt6 是一个很大的变化,因此出于兼容性原因 Qt 不提供此模块,它将在 Qt 6.2 中提供,如这篇文章: Qt 6.0 及以后的附加支持

For Qt 6.2 we are planning to provide the following additional libraries:对于 Qt 6.2,我们计划提供以下附加库:

  • Qt Bluetooth Qt 蓝牙
  • Qt Data Visualization Qt 数据可视化
  • Qt Lottie Animation Qt 洛蒂 Animation
  • Qt Multimedia Qt 多媒体
  • Qt NFC Qt NFC
  • Qt Positioning Qt 定位
  • Qt Quick Dialogs: Folder, Message Box Qt 快速对话框:文件夹、消息框
  • Qt Remote Objects Qt 远程对象
  • Qt Sensors Qt 传感器
  • Qt SerialBus Qt 串行总线
  • Qt SerialPort Qt 串口
  • Qt WebChannel Qt 网络频道
  • Qt WebEngine Qt WebEngine
  • Qt WebSockets Qt WebSockets
  • Qt WebView Qt WebView

(emphasis mine) (强调我的)

So you will have to wait for that release that according to what was announced will be available for September 2021因此,您将不得不等待根据宣布的将于 2021 年 9 月发布的版本

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