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MSP430 i var 在循环中间随机重置为值 0

[英]MSP430 i var randomly resets at value 0 in middle of loop

So I got this very strange problem that happens every time.所以我遇到了这个每次都会发生的非常奇怪的问题。 I am trying to interface and LCD with the MSP430 module.我正在尝试与 MSP430 模块连接和 LCD。 But in this function at the middle of the loop, the variable i resets itself to 0 for no apparent reason at all, somethimes it even crashes.但是在循环中间的这个 function 中,变量 i 完全没有明显的原因将自己重置为 0,有时甚至崩溃。
This is the structure of the lcd_t struct:这是 lcd_t 结构的结构:

    struct lcd_t
    uint8_t rs, rw, e;
    uint8_t pin[8];

This is the function where i is defined and "reseted":这是 function,其中 i 被定义并“重置”:

lcd_dat(const struct lcd_t* lcd, uint8_t dat)
  static uint8_t i;
  // Setting RS.
  lcd_change_pin_state(lcd->rs, 1);
  // Setting each data pin to match the dat.
  for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) // TODO: Four bit mode
    if(dat & (1 << i))
      lcd_change_pin_state(lcd->pin[i], 1);
      lcd_change_pin_state(lcd->pin[i], 0); <-- This is where i resets
  // Setting E.
  lcd_change_pin_state(lcd->e, 1);
  // Clearing E.
  lcd_change_pin_state(lcd->e, 0);

This is the function where i resets:这是我重置的 function:

static volatile void
lcd_change_pin_state(uint8_t pin, uint8_t newstate)
  if(newstate == 0)
    if(pin/10 == 1)
      P1OUT &= ~(1 << (pin % 10));
      P2OUT &= ~(1 << (pin % 10));
    if(pin/10 == 1)
      P1OUT |= (1 << (pin % 10));
      P2OUT |= (1 << (pin % 10));

Plese tell me what other information do you need!请告诉我您还需要什么其他信息! Thanks!谢谢!

WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // stop watchdog timer

This instruction was missing...这条指令不见了……
I can't even think how much time was lost because of this...我什至无法想象为此浪费了多少时间……

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