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ufdw_j4k2_64bit.dll 未加载

[英]ufdw_j4k2_64bit.dll not loaded

Hello everyone for a university project I am working with the Kinect sensor to get a point cloud.大家好,我正在使用 Kinect 传感器获取点云的大学项目。 to work with the Kinect I have installed the J4K library for processing, but when I run an example code I get the following message.要使用 Kinect,我已经安装了 J4K 库进行处理,但是当我运行示例代码时,我收到以下消息。 How can I solve?我该如何解决? thank you all.谢谢你们。

Which version of the Kinect are you using?您使用的是哪个版本的 Kinect?

  1. Kinect v1 (for xbox 360 or Windows up to 1.8) Kinect v1(适用于 xbox 360 或 Windows 最高 1.8) 用于 xbox360 的 kinect
  2. Kinect V2 (for xbox one) Kinect V2(适用于 Xbox One) 用于 Xbox 一的 kinect
  3. Azure Kinect Azure Kinect Azure Kinect

Based on the error the assumption is you're planning to use Kinect v2 (for Xbox One with Windows USB adaptor).根据错误,假设您计划使用 Kinect v2(对于带有 Windows USB 适配器的 Xbox One)。 If that's the case you need to first install Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 .如果是这种情况,您需要先 为 Windows SDK 2.0 安装 Kinect Make sure the Kinect drivers are properly installed and you can run the precompiled Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 example applications.确保正确安装了 Kinect 驱动程序,并且您可以为 Windows SDK 2.0 示例应用程序运行预编译的 Kinect。

What the error message isn't telling you is that ufdw_j4k2_64bit.dll is not loaded because it depends on Kinect20.dll (which it expects in C:\WINDOWS\System32\ where the SDK installer would place it). What the error message isn't telling you is that ufdw_j4k2_64bit.dll is not loaded because it depends on Kinect20.dll (which it expects in C:\WINDOWS\System32\ where the SDK installer would place it).

If you're still having issues you can try installing Thomas Lengeling's KinectPV2 library (which you can easily do via Sketch > Import Library > Add Library > (search) Kinect v2 for Processing . It may not have the same features as the ufdw library, but the instructions are clear and you can definitely get a point cloud.如果您仍然遇到问题,您可以尝试安装Thomas Lengeling 的 KinectPV2库(您可以通过Sketch > Import Library > Add Library > (search) Kinect v2 for Processing轻松完成。它可能没有与 ufdw 库相同的功能,但是说明很清楚,您绝对可以获得点云。

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