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基于 if 的过滤器数组包含 php

[英]Filter Array based on if contains php

My aim here is to remove the whole object from the array if "record_type" is null.如果“record_type”是 null,我的目标是从数组中删除整个 object。 I should then only be left with data that has a record_type set in the array.然后,我应该只剩下在数组中设置了 record_type 的数据。

I've looked into the array filter not sure how I target the data within the array "record_type".我查看了数组过滤器,不确定如何定位数组“record_type”中的数据。 My only other thought is to import to a database and then SQL query what I want then delete data I've had which is much more overkill.我唯一的另一个想法是导入数据库,然后 SQL 查询我想要的内容,然后删除我拥有的数据,这更加矫枉过正。


array:36 [▼
  0 => array:3 [▼
    "type" => "comment"
    "line_index" => 0
    "text_b64" => "OyBjUGFuZWwgZmlyc3Q6ODguMC4xMiAodXBkYXRlX3RpbWUpOjE2MTg1NDYxNDIgQ3BhbmVsOjpab25lRmlsZTo6VkVSU0lPTjoxLjMgaG9zdG5hbWU6cjExOC5sb24yLm15c2VjdXJlY2xvdWRob3N0LmNvbSBs ▶"
  1 => array:3 [▼
    "line_index" => 1
    "text_b64" => "OyBab25lIGZpbGUgZm9yIG9ha3RyZWVkZW50YWxtb3J0aW1lci5jby51aw=="
    "type" => "comment"
  2 => array:3 [▼
    "text_b64" => "JFRUTCAxNDQwMA=="
    "line_index" => 2
    "type" => "control"
  3 => array:6 [▼
    "line_index" => 3
    "dname_b64" => "b2FrdHJlZWRlbnRhbG1vcnRpbWVyLmNvLnVrLg=="
    "record_type" => "SOA"
    "ttl" => 30
    "type" => "record"
    "data_b64" => array:7 [▶]
  4 => array:6 [▼
    "dname_b64" => "b2FrdHJlZWRlbnRhbG1vcnRpbWVyLmNvLnVrLg=="
    "line_index" => 10
    "record_type" => "NS"
    "ttl" => 30
    "type" => "record"
    "data_b64" => array:1 [▶]
  5 => array:6 [▼
    "ttl" => 30
    "dname_b64" => "b2FrdHJlZWRlbnRhbG1vcnRpbWVyLmNvLnVrLg=="
    "line_index" => 11
    "record_type" => "NS"
    "data_b64" => array:1 [▶]
    "type" => "record"

Goal: only be left with data that has a 'record_type' set (not null ) in the array目标:只留下数组中设置了“record_type”的数据(不是null

Solution: use array_filter() on your source array ( $arr ) and filter for records with 'record_type' != "NS" (assuming "NS" is what you refer to as null , or not set).解决方案:在您的源数组 ( $arr ) 上使用array_filter() ) 并过滤具有'record_type' != "NS"的记录(假设 "NS" 是您所说的null或未设置)。

$result = array_filter(
    function (array $record) {
        if (isset($record['record_type'])) {
            return $record['record_type'] != "NS";
        } return null;

working demo工作演示


If you want to filter for only those records that are of a certain type, eg type 'record', following should help:如果您只想过滤特定类型的记录,例如类型“记录”,以下应该会有所帮助:

$result = array_filter(
    function (array $record) {
        if ($record['type'] == 'record') {
            return true;
        } return false;

working demo工作演示

If your Goal is to filter array to remove any inner-array that hasn't a record_type , So use array_filter with a callback function fn to check that record_type exist with isset function.如果您的目标是过滤数组以删除任何没有record_type的内部数组,那么使用带有回调array_filter fn的 array_filter 来检查record_type是否存在isset function。

array_filter($arr, fn($el)=>isset($el["record_type"]));

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