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[英]how crop an image evenly without loop

Suppose I have an np.array(image)假设我有一个 np.array(image)

img = [[1,2,3,4],

How can I divide this in to 4 crops?我怎样才能把它分成4种作物?

[[1,2],    [[3,4],    [[9,10],    [[11,12],
 [5,6]]     [7,8]]     [13,14]]     [15,16]]

The only way I know is to use loop to specify the img[x_start:x_end,y_start:y_end] .我知道的唯一方法是使用循环来指定img[x_start:x_end,y_start:y_end] But this is very time-consuming when it comes to a large 3D Volume.但是对于较大的 3D 卷,这是非常耗时的。 NumPy library seems to perform better by itself than the loop in some algorithms.在某些算法中,NumPy 库本身似乎比循环执行得更好。 Btw, if I use img.reshape(-1,2,2) , I get the following matrix, which is not what I want:顺便说一句,如果我使用img.reshape(-1,2,2) ,我会得到以下矩阵,这不是我想要的:

[[1,2],    [[5,6],    [[9,10],    [[13,14],
 [3,4]]     [7,8]]     [11,12]]     [15,16]]

Of course, it doesn't have to be Numpy library but can also cv2 or something like that which I can use in python当然,它不必是 Numpy 库,但也可以是 cv2 或类似的东西,我可以在 python 中使用

I hope I've undersdoot your question right:我希望我正确理解了您的问题:

img = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16]])

out = [np.vsplit(x, 2) for x in np.hsplit(img, 2)]

for arr1 in out:
    for arr2 in arr1:


[[1 2]
 [5 6]]

[[ 9 10]
 [13 14]]

[[3 4]
 [7 8]]

[[11 12]
 [15 16]]

To solve your problem you can play with axis using np.transpose or np.moveaxis for example.为了解决您的问题,您可以使用例如np.transposenp.moveaxis来玩轴。

The following solution is probably not the fastest but it illustrates what you can do with these tools.以下解决方案可能不是最快的,但它说明了您可以使用这些工具做什么。

img = np.array([[1,2,3,4],
img = img.reshape(-1,2,2)
img = np.moveaxis(img, 0, 1)
img = img.reshape(-1,2,2)

Output: Output:

>>> print(img)
[[[ 1  2]
  [ 5  6]]

 [[ 9 10]
  [13 14]]

 [[ 3  4]
  [ 7  8]]

 [[11 12]
  [15 16]]]

What you want to have is called a sliding window view .您想要的称为滑动 window 视图 NumPy already has a function to do this: numpy.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view , but the function does not take custom strides (step size of your sliding window). NumPy already has a function to do this: numpy.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view , but the function does not take custom strides (step size of your sliding window). I have implemented my own function which gives such a view (requiring minimal memory overhead):我已经实现了自己的 function ,它给出了这样的视图(需要最小的 memory 开销):

import numpy as np 
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from typing import Tuple

def get_sliding_window_2d(x: np.ndarray, width: int, height: int, rowstride: int, colstride: int):
    x: np.array
    width: width of window
    height: height of window
    rowstride: horizontal window step size
    colstride: vertical window step size 
    imgRows, imgCols = x.shape
    u = np.array(x.itemsize)
    return as_strided(x,
        shape=((imgRows-width)//rowstride+1, (imgCols-height)//colstride+1, width, height), 
        strides=u*(imgCols*rowstride, colstride, imgCols, 1)

a = np.arange(4*4).reshape(4,4)+1
for windows in get_sliding_window_2d(a, 2, 2, 2, 2):
    for window in windows:
        print(window, end="\n\n")

#[[1 2]
# [5 6]]
#[[3 4]
# [7 8]]
#[[ 9 10]
# [13 14]]
#[[11 12]
# [15 16]]

On a related note, if you plan to use said sliding windows to blur images using a mean kernel or do edge detection or something, you can use scipy.signal.convolve2d (and many other similar functions) to do it.在相关的说明中,如果您打算使用上述滑动 windows 来模糊图像,使用平均 kernel 或进行边缘检测或其他操作,您可以使用scipy.signal.convolve2d (和许多其他类似功能)来进行卷积。

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