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[英]Creating a new categorical variable based on groups and current categorical variable

I am trying to create a categorical variable based of of groups and current variables.我正在尝试基于组和当前变量创建分类变量。

My current df has the variables: ID, GroupID, and Drinker.我当前的 df 有变量:ID、GroupID 和 Drinker。 I am trying to create a new variable(GroupDrink) to where if any individual(ID) in a group(GroupID) selects yes for Drinker, then all individuals in that group will have a yes for the new variable(GroupDrink).我正在尝试创建一个新变量(GroupDrink),如果组(GroupID)中的任何个人(ID)为饮酒者选择“是”,那么该组中的所有个人都将对新变量(GroupDrink)选择“是”。 Please see the table below for more details.请参阅下表了解更多详情。

ID ID GroupID组ID Drinker饮酒者 GroupDrink(NewVariable) GroupDrink(新变量)
1 1 25 25 Yes是的 Yes是的
2 2 25 25 No Yes是的
3 3 21 21 No No
4 4 40 40 Yes是的 Yes是的
5 5 40 40 No Yes是的
6 6 40 40 No Yes是的

Does this work:这是否有效:

df %>% group_by(GroupID) %>% mutate(GroupDrink = if_else(any(Drinker == 'Yes'), 'Yes','No'))
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups:   GroupID [3]
     ID GroupID Drinker GroupDrink
  <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     
1     1      25 Yes     Yes       
2     2      25 No      Yes       
3     3      21 No      No        
4     4      40 Yes     Yes       
5     5      40 No      Yes       
6     6      40 No      Yes       

Data used:使用的数据:

# A tibble: 6 x 3
     ID GroupID Drinker
  <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  
1     1      25 Yes    
2     2      25 No     
3     3      21 No     
4     4      40 Yes    
5     5      40 No     
6     6      40 No     
df %>% group_by(GroupID)%>% 
mutate(GroupDrink = case_when
any(Drinker == 'Yes') ~ "Yes",
TRUE~ "No"

Applying functions to groups seems to work better with the case_when function.使用 case_when function 将函数应用于组似乎效果更好。 For this to work, the plyr package has to be uninstalled.为此,必须卸载 plyr package。 I had to detach the package for the function to apply correctly to groups.我必须为 function 分离 package 才能正确应用于组。

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