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[英]Insert but only if a condition on another table is met

I have 3 tables for a messaging system我有 3 个用于消息传递系统的表


| id |


| id | conversation | user |


| id | conversation | user | text |

I want to restrict messages being inserted into a conversation if the user is not part of through the participants table如果用户不是参与者表的一部分,我想限制将消息插入对话

I think I could structure it in a better way by having participant in the messages table.我认为我可以通过让参与者参与消息表来以更好的方式构建它。 But then id have to do an extra query by seeing what a users participant id is before inserting a message.但是在插入消息之前,id 必须通过查看用户参与者 id 来做一个额外的查询。

Id rather do it with a constraint or foreign key.我宁愿用约束或外键来做。 What would the best way to do this be?最好的方法是什么?

You can use EXISTS in the INSERT statement:您可以在INSERT语句中使用EXISTS

INSERT INTO Messages(id, conversation, user, text)
SELECT :id, :conversation, :user, :text
FROM dual
  FROM Participants 
  WHERE conversation = :conversation AND user = :user

If your version of MySql is 8.0+ you can omit FROM DUAL .如果您的 MySql 版本是 8.0+,您可以省略FROM DUAL

Replace :id , :conversation , :user and :text with the column values that you want to insert.:id:conversation:user:text替换为要插入的列值。

If ID is an autoincremented integer change to:如果ID是自动递增的 integer 更改为:

INSERT INTO Messages(conversation, user, text)
SELECT :conversation, :user, :text

Or, first create a UNIQUE constraint for the combination of columns conversation and user in Participants :或者,首先为Participants中的conversationuser列的组合创建一个UNIQUE约束:

ALTER TABLE Participants ADD CONSTRAINT unique_conv_user UNIQUE (conversation, user)

and then add a foreign key constraint for the combination of columns conversation and user in Messages :然后为Messages中的conversationuser列的组合添加外键约束:

ADD CONSTRAINT fk_conv_user 
FOREIGN KEY (conversation, user) REFERENCES Participants(conversation, user);

This way you can only insert new rows in Messages if the combination of conversation and user already exists in Participants .这样,如果conversationuser的组合已经存在于Participants中,您只能在Messages中插入新行。

Is this a trick question?这是一个技巧问题吗? You just described the main use case of referential integrity in a data base.您刚刚描述了数据库中参照完整性的主要用例。 Make Messages.(ID, User) a foreign key of the Participants table.使 Messages.(ID, User) 成为 Participants 表的外键。

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