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[英]String Index Out of Range when comparing characters

I am simply trying to compare one character in a string to its neighbor, but I keep getting a string index out of range error.我只是想将字符串中的一个字符与其邻居进行比较,但我不断收到字符串索引超出范围错误。 I can't figure this out.我想不通。

s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
current = ""
previous = ""
for letter in range(0,len(s)):
    if s[letter] <= s[letter+1]:
        current += s[letter]


The if statement was unnecessary. if 语句是不必要的。 On the last iteration of the loop, s[letter+1] was throwing an error because that index of the string didn't exist.在循环的最后一次迭代中, s[letter+1]抛出错误,因为该字符串的索引不存在。 At that point, letter was equal to the length of your string, s .那时, letter等于字符串的长度s letter+1 was one higher than the length, so the index didn't exist. letter+1比长度高一,所以索引不存在。

There is no need to compare the value of letter to the length of s in the if statement because the loop would end before letter is greater than the length of s .无需在 if 语句中将letter的值与s的长度进行比较,因为循环将在letter大于s的长度之前结束。


s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
current = ""
previous = ""
for letter in range(0,len(s)):
    current += s[letter]

while @sedavidw is completely right pointing out the indexing issue, it is not a very pythonic way of doing such a comparison.虽然@sedavidw 完全正确地指出了索引问题,但它并不是一种非常pythonic 的方式来进行这种比较。 I'd do something like:我会做类似的事情:

current = ''.join(letter for letter, next_letter in zip(s, s[1:]) 
                  if letter <= next_letter)

I think you want to print a letter only if the previous one is less than the current one.我认为只有在前一封信小于当前一封信时,您才想打印一封信。 The index out of bounds occur because the last index points to (l) but index + 1 points to nothing.索引越界是因为最后一个索引指向 (l) 但 index + 1 没有指向任何内容。

Here is my solution:这是我的解决方案:

s = 'azcbobobegghakl' 
current = "" 
previous = "" 
for letter in range(0,len(s)): 
   if letter + 1 < len(s): # this is important to prevent the index out of bounds error
       if s[letter] <= s[letter+1]: 
           current += s[letter] 

Output: abbbeggak

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