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Informatica Workflow Manager:如何根据某些条件控制工作流的流程

[英]Informatica Workflow Manager : How to control the flow of the workflow based on some condition

I have below scenario that I want to figure out, how to implement.我有以下我想弄清楚的场景,如何实现。

After Session0, Either Session1.1 or Session1.2 will execute based on Session Variable (Var).在 Session0 之后,Session1.1 或 Session1.2 将根据 Session 变量 (Var) 执行。 I want to execute Session2 only if either Session1.1 Succeeds or Session1.2 Succeeds.只有当 Session1.1 成功或 Session1.2 成功时,我才想执行 Session2。

I have tried below solutions:我尝试了以下解决方案:

  1. If I simply put Status conditions on Link C and Link D. Session2 does not executed如果我只是将状态条件放在链接 C 和链接 D 上。Session2 不会执行
  2. If I put a decision task after Link C and Link D which checks for Status of Session1.1 and Session 1.2 but workflow still does not read the decision task.如果我在链接 C 和链接 D 之后放置一个决策任务,它检查 Session1.1 和 Session 1.2 的状态,但工作流仍然没有读取决策任务。


The way you added session 2, it will execute only when both 1.1 and 1.2 executed successfully.您添加 session 2 的方式,只有在 1.1 和 1.2 都执行成功时才会执行。
You can solve your issue in two ways.您可以通过两种方式解决您的问题。
Option 1. using another session 2 shortcut.选项 1. 使用另一个 session 2 快捷方式。
Option 2. using a decision task.选项 2. 使用决策任务。

1 - Create a shortcut of session 2 and add it after session 1.2 and original to to 1.2. 1 - 创建 session 2 的快捷方式并将其添加到 session 1.2 和原始到 1.2 之后。
Mapping should look like this -映射应如下所示 -

          | -> sess 1.1 --> sess 2 
sess 0 -->
          | -> sess 1.2 --> sess 2 (shortcut of original sess2)

2 - Create a decision task and add it before session 2. The condition will be if(sess1.1.status=succeeded or sess1.2.status=succeeded,1,0). 2 - 创建一个决策任务并将其添加到 session 之前 2. 条件为 if(sess1.1.status=succeeded 或 sess1.2.status=succeeded,1,0)。 Then join it to sess 2. The link condition will be decision.condition=1.然后将其加入 sess 2。链接条件将为 decision.condition=1。
Mapping should look like this -映射应如下所示 -

          | -> sess 1.1 --> |
sess 0 -->                  | -> decision task -link_cond-> sess 2 
          | -> sess 1.2 --> |

The other option is to keep your design as it is (as showed in the picture) and in session 2, you need to select the check box Treat Input links as- OR另一种选择是保持您的设计原样(如图所示),在 session 2 中,您需要 select 复选框将输入链接视为 - 或

Note: Assuming Link c has a condition Sess 1.1 = succeeded and Link D has a condition Sess 1.2 = succeeded注意:假设链路 c 的条件Sess 1.1 = 成功,链路 D 的条件Sess 1.2 = 成功

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