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如何使用 goroutine 和 channel 批量读取 mysql 数据

[英]how to read mysql data using goroutine and channel in bulk

I'm a newbee for golang, now need to read a big amount data in mysql, so I wanna use goroutine and channel to get data in high performance, but don't know how to avoid data duplication for each goroutine and make whole process stable.我是golang的新手,现在需要读取mysql中的大量数据,所以我想使用goroutine和channel来高性能获取数据,但不知道如何避免每个goroutine的数据重复并制作整个过程稳定的。 for instance, table schema is as below, I wanna get all records which create_time is smaller than 1000000000000000000 , I wanna create 10 goroutines and read data concurrently, each goroutine do some business logic, how to design codes?例如,表模式如下,我想获取所有create_time小于1000000000000000000的记录,我想创建 10 个 goroutine 并同时读取数据,每个 goroutine 做一些业务逻辑,如何设计代码? thank u感谢你

id content last_id create_time

I would suggest you to create a goroutine that would publish the data to your channel.我建议您创建一个将数据发布到您的频道的 goroutine。 Then you can add listener go routines to handle the published data.然后您可以添加监听器 go 例程来处理发布的数据。 This can be done as following:这可以通过以下方式完成:


const GoroutineCount = 10

type SomeData []int

func main() {
    ch := make(chan SomeData, 1)

    go PublishData(ch)

    for i := 0; i < GoroutineCount; i++ {
        go ProcessData(ch)

For assumptions, I have used a simple slice of int as data.对于假设,我使用了一个简单的 int 切片作为数据。 This can be slice of any struct as required.根据需要,这可以是任何结构的切片。

Publish data to channel:将数据发布到通道:

const ChunkSize = 1000

func PublishData(ch chan SomeData) {
    // Assume having 10000 records in result set
    // This has to come from db transaction
    res := make([]int, 10000)

    // split into chunks of 1000
    chunks := GetChunk(res)

    // write chunk data to channel
    for i := range chunks {
        ch <- chunks[i]

func GetChunk(input SomeData) []SomeData {
    var result []SomeData

    boundary := len(input)
    index := 0
    for index = 0; boundary >= ChunkSize; index+=ChunkSize {
        boundary -= ChunkSize
        lastIndex := index+ChunkSize
        result = append(result, input[index:lastIndex])
    boundary = len(input) % ChunkSize
    if boundary > 0 {
        lastIndex := index+ boundary
        result = append(result, input[index:lastIndex])

    return result

Process individual chunks as:将单个块处理为:

func ProcessData(ch chan SomeData) {
    // Read single chunk
    res := <-ch

    // Process chunk data
    fmt.Printf("len %d\n", len(res))

Code on go playground: https://play.golang.org/p/X9Q991h6ru_n go 操场上的代码: https://play.golang.org/p/X9Q991h6ru_n


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