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[英]How can I extract abbreviations from a file using Perl?

I need to extract certain Abbreviations from a file such as ABS,TVS,and PERL. 我需要从文件中提取某些缩写,例如ABS,TVS和PERL。 Any abbreviations which are in uppercase letters. 大写字母的任何缩写。 I'd preferably like to do this with a regular expression. 我最好使用正则表达式执行此操作。 Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

It would have been nice to hear what part you were particularly having trouble with. 听到您特别烦恼的那部分会很高兴。

my %abbr;
open my $inputfh, '<', 'filename'
    or die "open error: $!\n";
while ( my $line = readline($inputfh) ) {
    while ( $line =~ /\b([A-Z]{2,})\b/g ) {

for my $abbr ( sort keys %abbr ) {
    print "Found $abbr $abbr{$abbr} time(s)\n";

Reading text to be searched from standard input and writing all abbreviations found to standard output, separated by spaces: 从标准输入中读取要搜索的文本,并将找到的所有缩写写到标准输出中,并用空格分隔:

my $text;
# Slurp all text
{ local $/ = undef; $text = <>; }
# Extract all sequences of 2 or more uppercase characters
my @abbrevs = $text =~ /\b([[:upper:]]{2,})\b/g;
# Output separated by spaces
print join(" ", @abbrevs), "\n";

Note the use of the POSIX character class [:upper:], which will match all uppercase characters, not just English ones (AZ). 请注意POSIX字符类[:upper:]的使用,它将匹配所有大写字符,而不仅仅是英语(AZ)。

Untested: 未经测试:

my %abbr;
open (my $input, "<", "filename")
  || die "open: $!";
for ( < $input > ) {
  while (s/([A-Z][A-Z]+)//) {

Modified it to look for at least two consecutive capital letters. 修改它以查找至少两个连续的大写字母。


use strict;
use warnings;

my %abbrs = ();

    my @words = split ' ', $_;

    foreach my $word(@words){
        $word =~ /([A-Z]{2,})/ && $abbrs{$1}++;

# %abbrs now contains all abreviations

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