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[英]How do I extract specific data from a .txt file in perl

I have some text file which have data in the following format: 我有一些文本文件,其数据格式如下:




The tags 'Summary:', 'Configuration:' and 'Tools:' remain the same for all the files and just the content below that changes. 所有文件的标签“摘要:”,“配置:”和“工具:”保持不变,只是下面的内容发生了变化。 I need to extract just the content from the text file and print it out. 我只需要从文本文件中提取内容并打印出来。

Thanks. 谢谢。

How about something like: 怎么样:

open(FH, '<myfile.txt');
  print $_ unless /Summary:|Configuration:|Tools:/;

You'll have to cleanup the regex a bit, but that should do it. 您必须稍微清理一下正则表达式,但这应该可以做到。

use strict;
use warnings;

my (%h, $header);
while (<>) {
    if (/^(\w+):) { 
        $header = $1; 
    } elsif (defined $header) { 
        push @{$h{header}}, $_; }
print Dumper \%h;

If your non-header lines can contain : , you may need something stricter, such as: 如果您的非标题行可以包含: ,则可能需要更严格的内容,例如:

if (/^(Summary|Configuration|Tools):/)

Not sure if you have one file or many, but if the former case: 不确定是否有一个或多个文件,但如果是前一种情况:

Summary: xyz

Configuration: abc 123

Tools: pqr 456

Summary: xyzxyz

Configuration: abcd 1234

Tools: pqr 457

You can use something like the following to print all configuration lines: 您可以使用类似以下的内容来打印所有配置行:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

open (FILE, 'data.txt') or die "$!";

while (<FILE>) {
    if (m/^(Configuration):(.*)/) {
      print $2 . "\n";
close FILE;

Change the regex if you want other lines or to m/^(Configuration|Tools|Summary):(.*)/ for all of them. 如果需要其他行,请更改正则表达式;对于所有其他行,请更改为m/^(Configuration|Tools|Summary):(.*)/

Or the considerably less elegant 或相当不优雅

my $fi;
my $line;
my @arr;
open($fi, "< tester.txt") or die "$!";

while ($line = <$fi>) 
    if (!($line =~ /:/))
        push(@arr, $line);

foreach (@arr)
    print $_;

close ($fi);
close ($fo);

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