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错误:Truffle 当前使用的是 solc 0.5.16,但您的一个或多个合约指定“pragma solidity ^0.8.0”

[英]Error: Truffle is currently using solc 0.5.16, but one or more of your contracts specify “pragma solidity ^0.8.0”

Error: Truffle is currently using solc 0.5.16, but one or more of your contracts specify “pragma solidity ^0.8.0”错误:Truffle 当前使用的是 solc 0.5.16,但您的一个或多个合约指定“pragma solidity ^0.8.0”

Here is a photo of the error - https://gyazo.com/2f5ea2f50cc1d4ef5eea2f21d0e04fe7这是错误的照片 - https://gyazo.com/2f5ea2f50cc1d4ef5eea2f21d0e04fe7

All my contracts are using the ^0.8.0 pragma.我所有的合同都使用 ^0.8.0 编译指示。 My truffle-config is also using the same version as you can see here - https://gyazo.com/1ec8b28ca48902c091004f8659cf678d我的 truffle-config 也使用与您在此处看到的相同的版本 - https://gyazo.com/1ec8b28ca48902c091004f8659cf678d

Please help.请帮忙。 Thank you very much.非常感谢。

Omit the "^".省略“^”。 Not version:"^0.8.0"不是version:"^0.8.0"

compilers: {
       solc: {
           version: "0.8.0"  

} }

If you're using windows change your "truffle.js" file name to "truffle.config.js" and inside your truffle config file add this line of code if it doesn't exist如果您使用 windows 将您的“truffle.js”文件名更改为“truffle.config.js”并在您的 truffle 配置文件中添加这行代码(如果它不存在)

  compilers: {
solc: {
  version: "0.8.0" 

make sure don't use "^" in version:"0.8.0"确保不要在version:"0.8.0"


@Yilmaz is correct that the version needs to be modified. @Yilmaz 是正确的,需要修改版本。 Change the truffle-config.js file to the correct compiler version.将 truffle-config.js 文件更改为正确的编译器版本。 Make sure that you have a version set.确保您有一个版本集。 I had the same error because the version was not set.我有同样的错误,因为没有设置版本。 If your file looks like this:如果您的文件如下所示:

compilers: {
  solc: {
    // version: "0.5.1",    // Fetch exact version from solc-bin (default: truffle's version)
    // docker: true,        // Use "0.5.1" you've installed locally with docker (default: false)
    // settings: {          // See the solidity docs for advice about optimization and evmVersion
    //  optimizer: {
    //    enabled: false,
    //    runs: 200
    //  },
    //  evmVersion: "Byzantium"
    // }

Change it to something like this:把它改成这样:

compilers: {
  solc: {
    version: "^0.8.0"

Uncomment this line from truffle-config.js从 truffle-config.js 中取消注释这一行

compilers: {
  solc: {
    version: "0.8.10",  // <-- this one

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