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Kinect V1,搭建环境

[英]Kinect V1, setting up environment

I never tried working on a kinect before, and the kinect I have is the first version that was for the Xbox 360. So most of the resources online on how to even start keep giving me errors, so if you have any resource or just tell me how to set up the environment i will greatly appreciate it.我以前从未尝试过在 kinect 上工作,我拥有的 kinect 是第一个适用于 Xbox 360 的版本。所以大多数关于如何开始的在线资源不断给我错误,所以如果你有任何资源或者只是告诉我将如何设置环境,我将不胜感激。

The 1.8 SDK for the Kinect is still available. Kinect 的1.8 SDK仍然可用。 Also for a simple API you should look into Virtruvius .同样对于一个简单的 API 你应该看看Virtruvius But make sure you have the suitable adapters etc.但请确保您有合适的适配器等。

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