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[英]How to get commas between concatenated and transposed cells?

I have a Google Form linked to a Google Sheet .我有一个链接到Google SheetGoogle 表单 It has a number of questions with responses that I need grouped into specific columns.它有许多问题的答案,我需要将它们分组到特定的列中。 I also need to keep the columns in the order they're in.我还需要按照它们所在的顺序保留列。

I was working with a formula someone helped me with to do one single range:我正在使用一个公式,有人帮我做一个单一的范围:

=ARRAYFORMULA({"Job Responsibilities";IF(A2:A="",,TRIM(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(K2:V),,100))))})

In Columns H, I, J, it will gather the data in the cells within specified ranges and concatenate them for easier reading at a glance.在 H、I、J 列中,它将收集指定范围内单元格中的数据并将它们连接起来,以便于一目了然地阅读。

I was hoping to find a way to separate the different entries with a comma so that the different values could be picked out easier.我希望找到一种用逗号分隔不同条目的方法,以便可以更轻松地挑选出不同的值。

Is there an extra function I can add to my formula in order to separate values with a comma?是否有额外的函数可以添加到我的公式中以便用逗号分隔值?


=ARRAYFORMULA({"Job Responsibilities";IF(A2:A="",,SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(K2:V&CHAR(10)),,100))),CHAR(10),","))})

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