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[英]How do I get the count of non matching cells in a row between two sheets?

I have two sheets, Sheet A containing a truth table like such:我有两张工作表,工作表 A 包含这样的真值表:

    A B C D E
Foo T F F T F
Bar T F F F F

Sheet B contains another table:表 B 包含另一个表:


I need to add a column to table A counting how many cells match the corresponding cell in sheet B, as such:我需要向表 A 添加一列,计算与工作表 B 中的相应单元格匹配的单元格数量,如下所示:

Foo T F F T F 2
Bar T F F F F 1

Best I could come up with for the first count cell was我能想到的第一个计数单元是


but this gives me 0 even though it should be 2.但这给了我0即使它应该是 2。

Edit: I was able to come up with this, which correctly counts the number of differing cells:编辑:我能够想出这个,它正确地计算了不同单元格的数量:


The next thing I want is to add an AND statement, and count the cell if it matches or if the sheet-b cell is F:我想要的下一件事是添加一个 AND 语句,并计算单元格是否匹配或如果sheet-b单元格是 F:


However it doesn't seem like i can use an AND statement in this formula.但是,我似乎无法在此公式中使用 AND 语句。 Even the following gives a sum of zero:甚至以下给出的总和为零:


how come?怎么来的?

Edit2 : Link to example spreadsheet Edit2链接到示例电子表格

how do I get the count of non-matching cells in a row between two sheets如何在两张纸之间的一行中获取不匹配单元格的计数

 MMULT(IF(B2:F='sheet-b'!A2:E2, 0, 1), TRANSPOSE(COLUMN(B2:F2)^0)), ))



 TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(B1:F)       ,,999^99))), ))



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