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[英]How to compare two formula (calculated) cells in Google Sheets

I am trying to compare two formula (calculated) cells in Google Sheets but I am getting: Error - Formula parse error .我正在尝试比较 Google 表格中的两个公式(计算)单元格,但我得到: Error - Formula parse error

The two cells are:这两个细胞是:

  • =IF(OR(ISBLANK(E5), ISBLANK(H5)),"", E5-H5)
  • =IF(OR(ISBLANK(E5), ISBLANK(J5)),"", E5-J5)

And the cell I am trying to compare them in is:我试图比较它们的单元格是:

  • =IF(K5==K4, "yes", "no")

An help on how to compare these cells?关于如何比较这些细胞的帮助?

只使用一个 = 符号:

=IF(K5=K4, "yes", "no")

Tested your scenario and found out that if you have values on E5 and H5, then it works as long as it is numeric.测试了你的场景,发现如果你在 E5 和 H5 上有值,那么只要它是数字的,它就可以工作。 Do something like做类似的事情


So, if both cells are numbers, we subtract them, otherwise we have an empty value.因此,如果两个单元格都是数字,我们将它们相减,否则我们有一个空值。

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